tailieunhanh - John wiley sons data mining techniques for marketing sales_20

Cuốn sách này hoàn toàn acquaints bạn với thế hệ mới của các công cụ khai thác dữ liệu và kỹ thuật và cho bạn thấy làm thế nào để sử dụng chúng để đưa ra các quyết định kinh doanh tốt hơn hướng dẫn này mô tả kỹ thuật để phát hiện các kiểu hành vi khách hàng hữu ích trong việc xây dựng tiếp thị, bán hàng và chiến lược hỗ trợ khách hàng | 618 Index auxiliary information 569-571 availability of data determining 515-516 average member technique neural networks 252 averages estimation 81 B back propagation feed-forward neural networks 228-232 backfitting defined 170 bad customers customer relationship management 18 bad data formats data transformation 28 balance transfer programs industry revolution 18 balanced datasets model sets 68 balanced sampling 68 bathtub hazards 397-398 behaviors behavioral segments marketing campaigns 111-113 behavior-based variables ad hoc questions 585 aggression 18 convenience users 580 587-589 declining usage 577-579 estimated revenue segmenting 581-583 ideals comparisons to 585-587 potential revenue 583-585 purchasing frequency 575-576 revolvers 580 transactions 580 future customer behaviors predicting 10 bell-shaped distribution 132 benefit point of maximum 101 Bernoulli Jacques binomial formula 191 biased sampling confidence intervals statistical analysis 146 neural networks 227 response methods of 146 untruthful learning sources 46-47 BILL_MASTER file customer signatures 559 binary churn models 119 binary classification decision trees 168 misclassification rates 98 binary data 557 binning 237 551 binomial formula Jacques Bernoulli 191 biological neural networks 211 births house-hold level data 96 bizocity scores 112-113 Bonferroni Carlo Bonferroni s correction 149 box diagrams as alternative to decision trees 199-201 brainstorming meetings 37 branching nodes decision trees 176 budgets fixed marketing campaigns 97-100 building models data mining 8 77 Building the Data Warehouse Bill Inmon 474 Business Modeling and Data Mining Dorian Pyle 60 businesses challenges of identifying 23-24 customer relationship management 2-6 customer-centric 514-515 forward-looking 2 home-based 56 large-business relationships 3-4 opportunities identifying virtuous cycle 27-28 wireless communication industries 34-35 product-focused 2 recommendation-based 16-17 small-business relationships 2 .