tailieunhanh - Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil and Water - Chapter 14

SINH THÁI di truyền học và sự tiến hóa của HYPERACCUMULATION ELEMENT TRACE TRONG CÂY Nhiều tác giả đã mô tả việc sử dụng tiềm năng của công nghệ phytoremediation, cũng như sự cần thiết phải hiểu các yếu tố kiểm soát nhà máy hấp thu nguyên tố vi lượng trong việc phát triển công nghệ này (ví dụ, Baker et al, 1994a; Salt et al, 1995). Cây cô lập kim loại đánh dấu ở nồng độ rất cao (hyperaccumulators), có thể sẽ đóng một số vai trò trong phytoremediation, . | 14 ECOLOGICAL GENETICS AND THE EVOLUTION OF TRACE ELEMENT HYPERACCUMULATION IN PLANTS A. Joseph Pollard Keri L. Dandridge and Edward M. Jhee CONTENTS Introduction Genetic Variability in Hyperaccumulation Sources of Variation in Populations Evolution Research on Genetics of Hyperaccumulation Genetic Conclusions Ecological Significance of Hyperaccumulation Hyperaccumulation as a Plant Defense Nondefensive Hypotheses Ecological and Evolutionary Conclusions Summary and Applied Conclusions Acknowledgments References INTRODUCTION Many authors have described the potential uses of phytoremediation technology as well as the need to understand the factors that control plant uptake of trace elements in developing this technology . Baker et al. 1994a Salt et al. 1995 . Plants that sequester trace metals at extremely high concentrations hyperaccumulators will probably play some role in phytoremediation whether it be direct use as phytoremediation crops indirect sources of genes for bioengineering of phytoremediation crops or even more indirect physiological models through which we increase our knowledge of basic uptake processes. While much attention is focused on the Copyright 2000 by Taylor Francis physiological mechanisms of metal accumulation and tolerance relatively little is known about the genetic and ecological factors that have led to the evolution of hyperaccumulation in nature. This chapter will attempt to summarize the current state of knowledge regarding these aspects of hyperaccumulation present some new and previously unpublished findings and generate hypotheses that may be relevant to future studies. The central question we will address in this chapter is Why do plants hyperaccumulate or more formally What is the selective advantage of hyperaccumulation and what evolutionary and adaptive processes have led to the development of this trait The wide geographic and taxonomic ranges over which hyperaccumulation occurs Baker and Brooks 1989 imply that it has not .