tailieunhanh - programming windows phone 7 phần 8

Nút hiển thị văn bản "tạm thời" và nó thực sự cần được hiển thị văn bản "Click vào tôi!" Bạn có thể bị cám dỗ để đặt một TextBlock trong đó và thiết lập thuộc tính Text của mình cho một TemplateBinding tài sản Nội dung của Button: Dưới đây là những gì chúng ta cho đến nay: | else if As you run your fingers across the bars you can see the student that each bar represents A Card File Metaphor With the previous GpiBarChart program in a sense we ve managed to fit all the students onto a single screen but the information is limited. Is there a way to get more information on the screen One popular metaphor for displaying data is the card file. Normally only part of each card is visible but such a program also includes a facility for viewing an entire card. In preparation for this job I created a new panel in the library. In some ways this panel is similar to the UniformStack panel that I described in Chapter 9. Like UniformStack this new panel gives all of its children an equal amount of space. But unlike UniformStack this new panel actually overlaps its children if necessary to fit them all in the available space. For that reason it s called OverlapPanel. OverlapPanel defines an Orientation property and arranges its children either horizontally or vertically. If OverlapPanel is arranging its children horizontally each child is positioned slightly to the right of the child before it leaving the left-most sliver of the previous child visible. For a vertical orientation the top of each child is visible. If there are very many children then that visible sliver will become very small. To make OverlapPanel more useful it should be possible to specify that the sliver be at least a minimum height or width even if that causes the contents of the panel to overrun the available space. In possibly going beyond the space available for it the OverlapPanel behaves much like a regular StackPanel. A Scrollviewer will be necessary to view all the items. 699 OverlapPanel defines two properties Orientation and MinimumOverlap Silverlight Project File excerpt public class