Based on the findings from the pilot study, the Ministry of Education and its partner, the Population Training Group (GEEP), integrated ARH within schools. GEEP, which was responsible for the school intervention during the OR study, continues to introduce and teach the curriculum for adolescent health, le Devenir Accompagné [A Guide for the Future]. This curriculum has been revised and is being edited; and most teachers throughout Senegal are aware of it. Six high schools in Dakar, Saint-Louis, Thiès, and Tivaouane are using the curriculum, and other schools are being selected to expand its use. . | Teacher Workshop Curriculum UNDERSTANDING AND LEARNING ABOUT STUDENT HEALTH Written by Meg Sullivan MD with help from Marina Catallozzi MD Pam Haller MDiv MPH and Erica Gibson MD s UNDERSTANDING AND LEARNING S ABOUT STUDENTS HEALTH Teacher Workshop Curriculum Outline Goal To increase teachers comfort with common topics of adolescent health and improve the interaction between the school and the School Based Health Clinic SBHC. Workshop Four Reproductive Health What Role Does a Teacher Play --Brief review of puberty normal timelines for males and females --Demographics of sexual activity STIs in Washington Heights --Role of teachers in addressing reproductive health --Role of SBHC medical providers in addressing reproductive health Lesson Plan Reproductive Health. What Role Does A Teacher Play Goal To review normal puberty discuss sexual activity and sexually transmitted infections in adolescents and to discuss the role of teachers and the SBHC in addressing reproductive health. Introduction Brief introduction of yourself and teachers. Briefly review lesson plan outline. 5 minutes Warm up Adolescents and Sexual Activity Do You Agree Inform the teachers you are going to read a series of statements. Teachers should raise their hands if they agree with the statement. 5 minutes --Key points Issues of reproductive health will come up in the schools Even if students are not sexually active which most are not they are still impacted by the topic. Important for teachers to reflect on and discuss their own feelings opinions about reproductive health so they can better address the issues that arise. Puberty Normal Timelines for girls and boys 10 minutes Handout Puberty Quick Overview. --Key points Puberty onset occurs at different times for males and females Wide range of puberty onset among each gender important teenagers know they are normal Growth spurts and body changes can lead to awkward appearances Increased sweating body odor raises issues of hygiene Sexual Activity .