tailieunhanh - Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy 4th edition - part 9

Chỉ người bịnh thần kinh khu vực (hypochondrium). Regio hypochondriaca (hypochondrium). Khu vực bên dòng midclavicular giữa vùng ngực và mặt phẳng transpyloric. B vùng thượng vị (vùng thượng vị). Regio epigastrica (thượng vị). Khu vực trung gian cho dòng midclavicular giữa vùng ngực và mặt phẳng transpyloric | 400 General terms 23 1 Abdominal regions. Regiones abdominales. 2 Hypochondriac region hypochondrium . Regio hypochondriaca hypochondrium . Region lateral to the midclavicular line between the pectoral region and the transpyloric plane. B 3 Epigastric region epigastrium . Regio epiga-strica epigastrium . Region medial to the mid-clavicular line between the pectoral region and the transpyloric plane. B 4 Lumbar lateral region. Regio lateralis. Region lateral to the midclavicular line between the transpyloric and intertubercular planes. B 5 Umbilical region. Regio umbilicalis. Area medial to the midclavicular line between the transpyloric and intertubercular planes. B 6 Inguinal iliac region. Regio inguinalis. Region lateral to the midclavicular line between the intertubercular plane and the inguinal ligament. B 7 Hypogastric pubic region. Regio pubica hy-pogastrium . Region medial to the midclavicu-lar line between the intertubercular plane and the inguinal ligament. B 8 Posterior dorsal regions. Regiones dorsales. The various anatomic regions of the back. 9 Vertebral region. Regio vertebralis. Region overlying the vertebral column. A 10 Sacral region. Regio sacralis. Region overlying the sacrum. A 11 Scapular region. Regio scapularis. Region overlying the scapula. A 12 Infrascapular region. Regio infrascapularis. Area between the scapular region and the lumbar region. A 13 Region cranial to the iliac crest. Regio lum-baris lumbalis . A 14 Lumbar Petit s trigone. Trigonum lumbare Petiti . Triangle above the iliac crest between the margins of the latissimus dorsi and external abdominal oblique. 15 Perineal region. Regio perinealis. C 16 Anal region. Regio analis. Area around the anus. It is bordered anteriorly by an imaginary line through the two ischial tuberosities. C 17 Urogenital region. Regio urogenitalis. Perineal area in front of the imaginary line between the two ischial tuberosities. C 18 Regions of upper limb. Regiones membri su-perioris. 19 Deltoid region.