tailieunhanh - DNA Methylation: Basic Mechanisms - Part 2

Hiệp hội kéo dài trong G2 và M-giai đoạn với nhiễm sắc thể cho phép đủ thời gian cho methyl hóa đầy đủ của tất cả các trang web hemimethylated, đặc biệt là tại nhiều methyl hóa chuỗi tạp sắc (Easwaran et al. 2004). Ngoài ra, Dnmt1 đã được báo cáo để tương tác với histone deacetylases (HDACs) (Fuks et al 2000; Robertson et al 2000; Rountree et al 2000.) | 28 A. Brero et al. of Dnmtl. Since Dnmtl is a catdyticdly slaw enzyme Pradhan et al 1997 its prolonged association in G2 and M-phases with chromatin could allow sufficient time for full methylation of all hemimethylated sites in particular at heavily methylated heterochromatic sequences Easwaranet al. 2004 . In addition Dnaatl daobaen reportedlo maeractwith hisSonedaacoSytaeas HDACs SFukaet aav Robardoowetat. avoo . 2000 and might serve os aOoaWingplwtOoam foadheod choombdin modifier. Concamio tandy methyl-CpG-bihding OomaintMBD oaoSaina recogmzlngthe oewly generated modified CpGs have been D X ahbwn io otciuit HDOCo diones ot d. 1998 Nanrl oo. 1900 Ng et .rai9 ana can tderoby f11rthercddtrihdteddtho replication of thahiotonemoaidaationh npoa DNA yephaoiiab. ddiaiorsgaid there is incaaaoida avidence otdroootaik between histone modsficatio9ianh DNA methylation. In oarallelto thasomechanioms2oo oopdica w i OS Glap ndtis 1he andom dir riddttoh of lood O ìS o os hotwaan idle iwo replii cated DNh. stoaGdoimaiios tdotmadifivat mrsuch aoCistanemathylatione2S passed Ohto 9henhd2osomes oosombk d wldreniiv . VE tors suchasHnl hhish re20a messpeaifir mr a0hiotoneH3 Lachneeoo a. yooi io cat the a biod the rah-icat2dadromatin idcrm melhyltroesfcea O S iHMds L hnei tz rioa. 20-3 aid ocrwadttho mefhylaticm odiosoh previoutih deaceiylwt2dh-stiines. Although manyonzymuthave been desceibed a naddme thyi groups tadoo DNA msiohtasniaknowoaboul. ENA di iu Ễ thỊ t er TheexiOi tence of snoh fnzymer howeveOi is ídmoot 00 rtaisasi lse wctive deme0dylatihd of the paternolhsnomeduo-nw nreimplaxdat-onde vxiopm2ntda2 bson evidenced gMsyer at od hoot . SimUartb thet must de hemethylases ordich can remodoimvriyti inSWa couose of derm eellbeho opment m eoder -o ioo the nove parentd enzyme 2 rl hd dome 0nlation G-clude ona0oone DanW dldbosylauus wdicdm effectresembie a .