Abducens. Sai lầm. Phụ kiện. Âm thanh. Aditus. Hướng tâm. Ala Ambiguus. Amygdaloid. Vòng tròn. ANSA. Hang vị. Mất ngôn ngữ. Chứng tắt tiếng. Apophysis. Aqueduct. Dịch nước. Màng nhện. Arbor yếu lý lịch. Archipallium. Arcuate. -Cung. Mất điều hòa. Thính giác. | TERMS SPECIFIC TO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Abducens. Aberrant. Accessory. Acoustic. Aditus. Afferent. Ala. Ambiguus. Amygdaloid. Annulus. Ansa. Antrum. Aphasia. Aphonia. Apophysis. Aqueduct. Aqueous. Arachnoid. L. ab away ducens leading. L. ab away errare to stray. L. accessorius supplementary. G. akoustikos pertaining to hearing. L. aditus opening. L. ad to ferre to carry. L. ala wing. L. amb both ways agere to drive. G. amydale almond eidos form likeness. L. anulus annulus a ring. L. ansa handle. G. antron cave. G. a without phasis speech. G. a without phone voice. G. apo from. physis growth. L. aqua water ducere to lead. L. aqua water. G. arachnes spider eidos shape likeness. Arborvitae. Archipallium. Arcuate. Arcus. Ataxia. Auditory. L. arbor tree vitae of life. G. archi principal pallium cloak. L. arcualis arch-shaped. L. arcus bow. G. a without taxis order. L. audire to hear. 74 Terms Specific to the Nervous System Autonomic. G. autos self nomos law. Axon. G. axon axis. Baroreceptor. Basilic. Bulbus. G. baros weight pressure receptor . A. al-basilic inner vein. L. bulbus bulb swollen root. Callosum. Calyx pl. calices . Cauda caudal. Cava. Cavernosus. Cavum. Celiac Coeliac. Cerebellum. Cerebrum. Chiasma. Ciliary. Circumvallate. Cisterna. Claustrum. Cochlea. Colliculus. Commissure. Communicans. Concha. Convolution. Copula. Corpus pl. corpora . L. callosus -a -um thick-skinned also a beam or rafter. L. calyx husk cup-shaped protective covering. L. cauda tail. L. cavus -a -um hollow or cave. L. caverna a hollow or cave. L. cavum a hollow or cave. G. koilia belly. L. dim. cerebrum brain. L. cerebrum brain. G. chiasma figure of X. L. cilium pl. cilia eyelash. L. circum around vallum wall. L. cisterna reservoir. L. claustrum barrier. L. cochlea G. kochlias spiral snail shell. L. colliculus little hill. L. commissura cum mittere connection. L. communicans communicating. L. concha bivalve oyster shell. L. con together volvo to roll. L. copula tie from copulare to copulate .