Điều khoản giải phẫu và Choledochus nguồn gốc của họ. Dương trấp. Nhu mi trấp. Dấu mu. Cisterna. Rảnh. Xương cụt. Colon. Đến. Comitans (pl. comitantes). Commissure. Communicans. Coraco, corono. Cornu. Corona. Corpus (pl. corpora). Cremaster. Crus (pl. crura). U nang (adj. nang). Dartos. Decidua, (adj. rụng lá). Defaecation, | Anatomical Terms and their Derivation Choledochus. G. chole bile dochos dechomai container. Chyle. Chyme. Circumflex. Cisterna. Cloaca. Coccyx. G. chylos juice. G. chymos juice. L. circum around flexere to bend. L. cisterna reservoir. L. cloaca sewer drain. G. kokkyx a cuckoo hence a structure shaped like a cuckoo s bill. Colon. Comes. Comitans pl. comitantes . Commissure. Communicans. Coraco- corono-. Cornu. Corona. Corpus pl. corpora . Cremaster. Crus pl. crura . Cyst adj. cystic . G. kolon great gut. L. comes companion. L. comitari to accompany. L. commissura cum mittere connection. L. communicans communicating. G. korax or corone crow hence crowlike. L. cornu horn. L. corona crown. L. body. G. cremaster suspender. L. crus leg. G. kystis bag bladder pouch. Dartos. Decidua adj. Deciduous . Defaecation Defecation. Deferens. Detritus. Detrusor. Diaphragm. G. dartos skinned. L. deciduus de cado falling off. L. defaecare to cleanse. L. de away ferens carrying. L. deterere to rub away. L. detrudere to push down. G. dia through phragma wall. 46 Terms Important in the Abdomen and Pelvis Digastric. Digestion. Disc. Distal. Diverticulum. Dorsal. Duct. Ductule. Duodenum. G. dis double gaster belly. L. dis apart gerere to carry. L. discus disc. L. distare to stand apart. L. divertere to turn aside. L. dorsum back. L. ducere to lead or draw. L. ducere to lead dim. L. duodeni twelve meaning twelve fingerbreadths . Ejaculatory. Emboliformis. Embolus. Endometrium. Endothelium. Epididymis. Epigastrium. Epiploic. Epispadias. L. e out jacere to throw. G. embolos wedge L. forma shape. G. embolos wedge plug anything inserted. G. endon within metra womb. G. endon within thele nipple. G. epi on didmoi testicles. G. epi upon gaster belly. G. epiploon caul omentum. G. epi upon . spadias F spadon eunuch F. span to draw Erector. Exomphalos. Excretion. Extravasation. Extrinsic. Exudate. L. erectus erect. G. ex out omphalos navel. L. excretus ex out cernere to sift. L. extra outside vas
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