tailieunhanh - Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health - Chapter 5

Ứng dụng của sinh thái và Các chỉ số nhiệt động lực học cho Đánh giá Y tế hệ sinh thái hồ Một thăm dò khung lý thuyết, một tập hợp các sinh thái và nhiệt động lực học chỉ số, và ba phương pháp đã được đề xuất cho việc đánh giá hồ sức khỏe hệ sinh thái trong chương này. Khung lý thuyết dự kiến bao gồm năm các bước cần thiết: (1) xác định nhấn mạnh con người, (2) phân tích phản ứng hệ sinh thái để những căng thẳng (3) phát triển các chỉ số; (4) xác định phương pháp đánh giá, và (5). | CHAPTER 5 Application of Ecological and Thermodynamic Indicators for the Assessment of Lake Ecosystem Health Fu-Liu Xu A tentative theoretical frame a set of ecological and thermodynamic indicators and three methods have been proposed for the assessment of lake ecosystem health in this chapter. The tentative theoretical frame includes five necessary steps 1 the identification of anthropogenic stresses 2 the analysis of ecosystem responses to the stresses 3 the development of indicators 4 the determination of assessment methods and 5 the qualitative and quantitative assessment of lake ecosystem health. A set of ecological and thermodynamic indicators covering lake structural functional and systemlevel aspects were developed according to the structural functional and system-level responses of 59 actual and 20 experimental lake ecosystems to the 5 kinds of anthropogenic stresses eutrophication acidification heavy metals pesticides and oil pollution. Three methods are proposed for lake ecosystem health assessment 1 the direct measurement method DMM 2 the ecological modeling method EMM and 3 the ecosystem health index method EHIM . These indicators and methods were successfully applied to the assessment and comparison of ecosystem health for a Chinese lake and 30 Italian lakes. Copyright 2005 by Taylor Francis INTRODUCTION Ecosystem Type and Problem Lakes are extremely important storage areas for the earth s surface freshwater with important ecosystem service functions that can keep the development of society and economy 2 However eutrophication and acidification as well as heavy metal oil and pesticide pollution caused by human activities have deteriorated continuously the healthy status of lake ecosystems. The water in over half of the lakes around the world has been seriously polluted. If this trend continues it will not only affect human health and socio-economic development but may also cause the breakup of lake ecosystems 4 .