tailieunhanh - Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health - Chapter 16

Y tế hệ sinh thái: Trường hợp nghiên cứu các cửa sông Ythan Mười năm qua đã chứng kiến một cuộc gọi đến tái tập trung nghiên cứu phát triển bền vững chương trình nghị sự của các ngành khoa học môi trường, xã hội và kinh tế, vì vậy chúng có thể được tích hợp trong khái niệm bao quát về sức khỏe hệ sinh thái (ví dụ, Costanza et al, 1992; Mối quan hệ et al, 1999). Việc hội nhập sẽ không dễ dàng. Giống như tất cả phương pháp tiếp cận mới lạ, hệ sinh thái sức khỏe có nhà phê bình harping. | CHAPTER 16 The Health of Ecosystems The Ythan Estuary Case Study D. Raffaelli P. White A. Renwick J. Smart and C. Perrings INTRODUCTION The last ten years have seen a call to refocus the sustainability research agendas of the environmental social and economic sciences so that they can be integrated within the overarching concept of ecosystem health . Costanza et al. 1992 Rapport et al. 1999 . Such integration will not be easy. Like all novel approaches ecosystem health has its critics harping from the sidelines as well as having significant conceptual and operational issues to overcome discussed throughout this volume . One of the most productive ways to present the area of ecosystem health to research scientists and environmental managers alike is through well-documented and understood case studies. Here we describe agriculture-induced changes in an extremely well-documented system the Ythan Estuary Aberdeenshire Scotland from the early 1960s to date. The Ythan is one of the smallest rivers in Europe but one of the most significant in the present context due to A long history of ecological research on the system carried out continuously over the last 40 years by staff and students at the Copyright 2005 by Taylor Francis University of Aberdeen s Culterty Field Station located on the banks of the estuary The small spatial extent of the Ythan especially the estuary which has facilitated detailed descriptions of the physical and biological elements as well as scale-appropriate manipulative experiments for testing hypotheses about function Detailed historical data on agricultural land-use within the catchment and on river water quality available on an annual basis The . national and wider European interest in the Ythan s nature conservation status and as a test-bed for implementation of European environmental legislation policy and restoration In this chapter we review the temporal changes in the major physical and biological components of the Ythan Estuary