tailieunhanh - Pro OpenGL ES for Android

In Pro OpenGL ES for Android, you'll find out how to harness the full power of OpenGL ES, and design your own 3D applications by building a fully-functional 3D solar system model using Open GL ES! OpenGL has set the standard for 3D computer graphics, and is an essential aspect of Android development. This book offers everything you need to know, from basic mathematical concepts to advanced coding techniques. You'll learn by building a fascinating 3D solar system simulator! | Create complex 3D graphics and gaming apps for Android using OpenGL ES OpenGLES for Android Mike Smithwick I Mayank Verma For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks and Contents at a Glance links to access them. Apress Contents at a Glance About the About the Technical Chapter 1 Computer Graphics From Then to Chapter 2 All That Math Chapter 3 From 2D to 3D Adding One Extra Chapter 4 Turning on the Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Will It Blend .149 Chapter 7 Well-Rendered Chapter 8 Putting It All Chapter 9 Performance n Chapter 10 OpenGL ES 2 Shaders iv .