tailieunhanh - The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery - part 6

Hoa hậu Caswell nó, một trong đó sẽ cho tôi chỉ là cảm giác bên phải của tầm quan trọng bất khả xâm phạm. Quấn mình trong sable và cảm thấy thật sự yêu thương. Sable là một phép hoán dụ cho Hollywood, nơi mà tình yêu lũ lụt ở từ đám đông. Eve tưởng tượng tình yêu của một khán giả sân khấu ( | 174 As If Beauty attention is summed up by the glossy folds of sable. It s that skin I crave Miss Caswell implies the one that will give me just the right feeling of invulnerable importance. Wrap yourself up in sable and feel truly loved. The sable is a metonymy for Hollywood where love floods in from the multitudes. Eve imagines the love of a stage audience It s like like waves of love coming over the footlights and wrapping you up but the Hollywood version would be a thousand times more gratifying. Alexander Walker describes the difference As an emotional response it was different in kind and fervour from that which greeted stage celebrities. It was close and personal yet dissociated and mob-like. It radiated love yet turned the loved-one into an object Stardom 47 . There is simultaneously more gain and more loss with Hollywood skin. For more love there are sacrifices to be made. Spike Jonze s 1999 Being John Malkovich gives us an extreme version of the public desire to wear celebrity skin. People pay to enter a portal in order to spend fifteen minutes literally inside the actor. If actors wear their parts what does it mean that we want to play the part of an actor What is the nature of the skin they offer Becoming-celebrity in this instance is the culmination of one s narcissism. When Malkovich enters his own portal he finds himself reduplicated everywhere as though to exemplify the actor s narcissistic trajectory which is necessarily a collapse back into the same actor. A casual glance at recent advertisements will show what selling power star skin has. Estée Lauder s skin tone perfector a whole new class of cosmetic that is not foundation and not moisturizer is called Spotlight. One advertisement shows Elizabeth Hurley outside what is supposed to be the marquis of a theater. Predictably all eyes are fixed on this shining central figure who raises one white hand to her pearlescent white face as though to touch the beauty of the image perfected as pure light the