Các hoạt động, cơ chế, và hiệu quả của nước như là một chức của các chất xúc tác Oxide Uranium Tiêu hủy của các hợp chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi Trong những năm gần đây, mối quan tâm bảo vệ môi trường đã tăng lên, và pháp luật về môi trường đã áp đặt mục tiêu ngày càng nghiêm ngặt cho phép phát thải khí quyển. Đặc biệt, việc phát hành của các hợp chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi (VOC) đã nhận được nhiều sự chú ý. Chất VOC này đại diện cho một lớp học trên phạm. | 12 The Activity Mechanism and Effect of Water as a Promoter of Uranium Oxide Catalysts for Destruction of Volatile Organic Compounds STUART H. TAYLOR RICHARD H. HARRIS and GRAHAM J. HUTCHINGS Cardiff University Cardiff United Kingdom IAN D. HUDSON BNFL Seascale United Kingdom I. INTRODUCTION In recent years concern for protection of the environment has increased and environmental legislation has imposed increasingly stringent targets for permitted atmospheric emissions. In particular the release of volatile organic compounds VOCs has received much attention. Such VOCs represent a wide-ranging class of chemicals derived from many sources and containing over 300 compounds as designated by the . Environmental Protection Agency 1 . Their release has widespread environmental implications and has been linked to the increase in photochemical smog 2 the depletion in atmospheric ozone 3 and the production of ground-level ozone 4 . In addition many VOCs are inherently toxic and or carcinogenic. The . Clean Air Act 1990 called for a 90 reduction in emissions of 189 toxic chemicals by 1998 many of these chemicals are classed as VOCs. In 1994 it was estimated that 706 000 tons of organic pollutants were discharged to the atmosphere from the United States alone 5 . Approximately 70 of these compounds can be classed as VOCs and although it cannot be determined directly it is estimated that discharges worldwide are at least twice that of the United States. In view of the scale of the problem presented to the chemical and processing industries the major challenge they face is to reduce the emission of pollutants without stifling economic growth. Abatement technologies to control the release of VOCs to the environment are therefore of paramount importance. Many technologies for the treatment of Copyright n 2003 by Marcel Dekker Inc. All Rights Reserved. VOC-contaminated effluent have been developed. The most widely adopted is adsorption often using carbon or zeolite type of .