tailieunhanh - everyday technical english Episode 11

Tham khảo tài liệu 'everyday technical english episode 11', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 9 a clean drain Zcheck scrvice dismantle b check cleanZservice replace c check replace service d check clean replace e checkZtop up f recalibrate checkZcleanZreplaceZservice 7 Troubleshooting 1 a onto b on c into d in on e with f out 2 a top up b run out c turn up d clean it up e switch off f cut out g seize up h call in 3 1 f 2e 3h 4b 5d 6g 7c 8a 4 a expand b crashed c jammed d restore e tripped f snapped g cursor h leak i loose i fault k lubricated 5 a drain b adjusting c switch off d upgrade e replacing f close g cutting out 6 a The toner has run out. b You ll need to expand your memory. c You ll need to reboot your machine. Have you tried pressing the Escape key d Have you checked the fuse box e No why don t you call the Help Desk f You ll have to dismantle the unit and lubricate the bearings. 8 Safety in the workplace 1 1 e 2 g 3 f 4 d 5 a 6 b 7 c 2 a you tools b careful sharp c out floor d mind low e when oil f don t hot 3 1 d 2g 3b 4f 5a 6h 7 c 8 0 4 a It b There c It d There e There f It 5 1c 2e 3a 4b 5d a Always wear gloves when welding. If you don t you might burn your hands. b You must wipe spillages up immediately. If you don t someone might slip over. c You mustn t store chemicals in milk bottles or jam jars. If you do someone may get poisoned. d Never leave bits of wood lying around on the floor. If you do someone might trip over them. 6 a Where does it hurt b Can you move your arm c How did it happen d Shall I get the first-aider e Where do we keep the first aid box f Has anyone been injured g Has anyone called an ambulance yet h What have you done to your hand