tailieunhanh - Music Theory FundamentalsSection 1.3

Octave An octave is the distance from a note up or down to the next note with the same name. For example, from the pitch A up to the next A is one octave. Octaves span eight letter names: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A = 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. | 12 Lea inMM Theo High-Yield Music Theory Vol. 1 Music Theory Fundamentals Octave Section All About Octaves An octave is the distance from a note up or down to the next note with the same name. For example from the pitch A up to the next A is one octave. Octaves span eight letter names A-B-C-D-E-F-G-A 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Middle C Middle C is the C just to the left of center on the piano keyboard it is near the middle of the piano. In treble clef middle C is one ledger line below the staff. In bass clef middle C is one ledger line above the staff. On C clefs including alto clef and tenor clef middle C is at the center of the clef sign. All of the notes below represent exactly the same piano key middle C . Ểmiddle C w middle C middle C - - -w middle C Middle C on the grand staff In a grand staff middle C is notated differently depending on whether it is in the treble or bass clef. Middle C is literally the middle ledger line one line below the treble clef and one line above the bass clef. Ledger lines between the staves Ledger lines may occur between the staves to make it clear whether the notes are in the treble clef or right hand part or bass clef left hand part. melody in treble clef staff Chapter 1 Music Notation 13 American Standard octave designations In American Standard or Scientific Pitch Notation The octaves are numbered with middle C being C4. Every C begins a new octave number so the B just below C4 is B3 and the D just above C4 is D4. Accidentals don t change the octave B 4 C5 and Cb5 B4. Helmholtz octave designations Helmholtz pitch notation is used widely in Europe and older science publications. Middle C is c read one-line C . Octaves are C subcontra C C contra C C great C c small C c one-line C Middle C c two-line C c three-line C and c four-line C . Ottava The ottava symbol 8va raises a note by one octave while the ottava bassa 8vb lowers a note by one octave. Ottava always appears above the staff Quindicesima and ottava bassa appears below .