Immunization coverage has been regarded an one of the parameters for measuring the effe ctiveness of the health programme of organization to the plight of the displaced persons, particularly, children. It could be observed from the table (Table 2) that immunization coverage was substantial for meningitis () followed by measles (). Lafia town is naturally both humid and hot and so, the relatively high level of immunization with cerebrospinal meningitis antigen is a justifiable preventive action by the state government. This must have been responsible for the little or no record of incidence of meningitis among the. | CONGENITAL CYSTIC DISEASE OF THE LUNG IN INFANTS AND CHILDREN EXPERIENCE WITH 57 CASES A. AL-BASSAM FRCS Ed A. AL-RABEEAH FRCSC S. AL-NASSAR FRCS K. AL-MOBAIREEK FRCP A. AL-RAWAF FRCS Ed H. BANJER FRCP I. Al-MOGARI FRCP King Khalid University Hospital and King Faisal Specialist Hospital Research Center Riyadh Saudi Arabia _ ADDRESS REPRINT REQUESTS TO DR. ABDULRAHMAN AL-BASSAM FRCS Ed Associate Professor Consultant Paediatric Surgeon . Box 86572 Riyadh 11632 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel 00-966-1-453-1029 467-1575 1 PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version http Fax 00-966-1-4679493 SUMMARY A retrospective analysis of 57 consecutive cases with congenital cystic disease of the lung admitted to King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center and King Khalid University Hospital Riyadh between 1985-1995 is presented. There were 37 CLE 7 CAM 8 BC and 5 PS. There were 39 males and 18 females with ages ranging from 1 day to 5 years. All patients were symptomatic except three. Respiratory distress repeated chest infections and cystic changes noted in chest x-ray were the commonest presentation. Five of eight patients with BC presented with symptoms related to pressure effect of the cyst on the surrounding structures these included bronchiectasis in two patients bronchopleural fistula in one pulmonary artery stenosis and bronchomalacia in one and airway obstruction mimicking bronchial asthma in one. Seven patients were treated conservatively the remaining underwent surgery. Surgery included excision of the bronchogenic cyst and lobectomy for CLE CAM and intralobar sequestration. The post operative course in most cases was uneventful. There were no deaths in this series and the majority of patients have a satisfactory outcome with follow-up ranging from 1-72 months mean 24 months . It appears that lobectomy for symptomatic CLE CAM and intralobar sequestration and excision for bronchogenic cyst offer the best treatment modality and is .