For research on child health and the environment, the longitudinal cohort study approach is common worldwide. This is because, as previously mentioned, cohort studies are recognized as necessary to evaluate long-term health and the many factors affecting it throughout the different developmental phases extending from before birth to adulthood. However, in Japan, due to a lack of appropriate institutions to carry out a long-term study, the Japan Children’s Study by the Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society did not turn into a longitudinal study, although evaluators recognized the importance of the study as a prospective. | CLINICAL SPECIALTY - I CHILD HEALTH PAEDIATRIC NURSING Placement 1st Year Hours of Instruction Theory 150 Hours Practical 650 Hours Total 800 Hours Course Description This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in-depth understanding in the filed of Pediatric Nursing. It will help students to appreciate the child as a holistic individual and develop skill to function as neonatal and pediatric nurse specialist. It will further enable the student to function as educator manager and researcher in the filed of Pediatric nursing. Objectives At the end of the course the students will be able to 1. Appreciate the history and developments in the filed of pediatrics and pediatric nursing as a specialty 2. Apply the concepts of growth and development in providing care to the pediatric clients and their families. 3. Appreciate the child as a holistic individual 4. Perform physical development and nutritional assessment of pediatric clients 5. Apply nursing process in providing nursing care to neonates and children. 6. Integrate the concept of family centered pediatric nursing care with related areas such as genetic disorders congenital malformations and long term illness. 7. Recognize and manage emergencies in neonates. 8. Describe various recent technologies and treatment modalities in the management of high risk neonates 9. Appreciate the legal and ethical issues pertaining to pediatric and neonatal nursing 10. Prepare a design for layout and management of neonatal units 11. Incorporate evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the filed of pediatric neonatal nursing 12. Recognize the role of pediatric nurse practitioner and as a member of the pediatric and neonatal health team 13. Teach pediatric nursing to undergraduate students and in-service nurses. Course Content Unit Hours Content I 10 Introduction Historical development of Pediatrics and Pediatric Nursing Difference between child and adult care Philosophy of .