tailieunhanh - Strengthening the emergency healthcare system for mothers and children in The Gambia
Japan Children’s Study conducted by the Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society, and the National Study on Children’s Environment and Health planned by the Ministry of Environment. These studies were planned with specific goals, and these goals and their study subjects are similar to the hypotheses of the National Children’s Study. However, the United States combines different hypotheses in one national research project, and as such, there is a difference in national strategy between Japan and the United States. If we consider the difficulty of carrying out a cohort study and correlating diverse factors concerning child health and. | Cole-Ceesay et al. Reproductive Health 2010 7 21 http content 7 1 21 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH COMMENTARY Open Access Strengthening the emergency healthcare system for mothers and children in The Gambia D mni I r r llo-f-C1C1C2 n2 Ạ IÍQI I QnnLn3 Mocir tr Qhi I ifo4 f f iTim5 rìsỉx ic6 ndmuu Cole Ceesdy Ivicciid Ciiendii Alieu jUNkU Nestor SHivute Mdmddy CHdm Miciidel Ddvis 7 8 9 10 8 11 Fdmdrd Fdtty Susdn Wieteskd Momodou Bdro Didne Wdtson Bdrbdrd PHillips RHond MdcDondld Brigid Hdyden 11 Ddvid SoutHdll11 Abstract A system to improve tHe mdndgement of emergencies during pregndncy cHildbirtH infdncy dnd cHildHood in d region ofTHe Gdmbid Brikdmd witH d populdtion of dpproximdtely 250 000 Hds been developed. THis wds dccomplisHed tHrougH formdl pdrtnersHip between tHe Gdmbidn Ministry of HedltH tHe World HedltH Orgdnisdtion Mdterndl CHildHedltH Advocdcy Interndtiondl dnd tHe Advdnced Life Support Group. Since October 2006 tHe Hospitdl in Brikdmd Hds been renovdted dnd equipped dnd more efficiently provided witH emergency medicines. An emergency dmbuldnce service now links tHe community witH tHe Hospitdl tHrougH d mobile telepHone system. HedltH professiondls from community to Hospitdl Hdve been trained in obstetric neond-tdl dnd pdedidtric emergency mdndgement using skills bdsed educdtion. THe programme wds evdludted in log books detdiling individudl resuscitdtions dnd by externdl dssessment. THe Hospitdl now Hds constdnt wdter dnd electricity d functioning operating tHedtre dnd emergency room tHe mdternity unit dnd cHildren s wdrds Hdve better emergency equipment dnd tHere is d more relidble supply of oxygen dnd emergency drugs including misoprostol for tredting post pdrtum HdemorrHdge dnd mdgnesium sul-pHdte for severe pre-ecldmpsid . THere is dlso d blood transfusion service. Countrywide 217 doctors nurses dnd midwives Hdve undergone dccredited training in tHe provision of emergency mdterndl newborn dnd cHild cdre including for mdjor
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