tailieunhanh - Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency - Part 4

Mức độ tổn thương tế bào gan phụ thuộc vào thời gian, tính chất và mức độ nghiêm trọng của sự kiện kích hoạt ban đầu. Ngoài ra, có thứ thiệt hại gây ra bởi việc phát hành các cytokine và các trung gian gây độc tế bào từ các tế bào kích hoạt của hệ thống lưới nội mô (các tế bào Kupfer). Thêm thiệt hại phát sinh từ việc phát hành số lượng lớn các gốc tự do và protease như một kết quả của sự tương tác giữa các cầu hạt bạch cầu trung tính và nội. | Acute liver failure 131 Pathophysiology The liver is a multifunctional organ that has an important role in metabolism biosynthesis excretion secretion and detoxification. These processes require energy making the liver a highly aerobic oxygen-dependent tissue. It thus becomes clear that an impairment of its function will have significant haemodynamic respiratory metabolic and haemostatic consequences. The extent of liver cell damage depends on the nature duration and severity of the initial trigger event. In addition there is secondary damage caused by the release of cytokines and cytotoxic mediators from activated cells of the reticuloendothelial system Kupfer cells . Further damage arises from the release of large amounts of free radicals and proteases as a result of interaction between neutrophil granulocytes and sinusoid endothelium. The activation of sinusoidal endothelial cells leads to lipid peroxidation of cell membranes abnormalities in intrahepatic microcirculation with vasoconstriction and perfusion failure tissue hypoxaemia and ultimately cell death. Haemodynamic changes and tissue oxygen debt In some ways circulatory disturbances mimic septic shock with a hyperdynamic pattern sustained by the release of toxic substances from injured hepatocytes. In the early stage of the syndrome microcirculatory disturbances along with abnormal oxygen transport are responsible for the low peripheral oxygen utilisation despite the initial adequate blood pressure and arterial oxygen saturation. Circulatory abnormalities tend to worsen during the course of the illness and the loss of autoregulation of vascular tone results in a generalised vasodilatation and reduction in systemic vascular resistance hypotension is the rule tachycardia and an increase in cardiac output are the most common compensatory consequences Table 3 . Table 3. Haemodynamic and oxyphoretic profile Acute liver failure Normal values CI n or I min-1m-2 FC II 60-80 bpm SVRI III 1200-2400 dyn s-1 .