Các bệnh nhân mắc bệnh mạch vành, những người đòi hỏi phẫu thuật lớn là như vậy, nguy cơ tổn thương cơ tim có thể biểu hiện trong giai đoạn hậu phẫu ngay lập tức hoặc bị trì hoãn như thiếu máu hoặc nhồi máu cơ tim, loạn nhịp tim nghiêm trọng, suy tâm thất hoặc tử vong tim đột ngột. | EMERGENAYABDOMINALAORRICS URGERY To these must be added the contribution of pre-existing medical problems. Ischaemieheartdisecio iliecec- hmxdtseere renclensuffieiexeyahddhyextension are all chmmoniPiPxejkethpiitbatibn lesi Ịsi tũl. ciif failure li Hfi-Iiillc problematic Ideally thehecisirntbbrxceddso surgernshoetd bernacdreene teben joind- by a senior surgexn end xxedOutiiitWtdt etie atrens unapoiiible sxevivbr father than a latsde sp eratI0 1X1101 bdrOx dir. In It often teeny bide dmb fol 01111X01111 0 01X11101011 the eneestheiisimrywoil bc drcseoteh withc fdt ree om-lil in thae 111c patientund relatives me t q ui tii io raieon mit rre exeue diet itirvnnt esunlikuSywithr out. In any . iji. thereei atcgu elementofjpbgemeytlnvplvrdlrndslts eroiitil ie give diepenentaehcgoe hnlrsiitsiobnioue IdsurUy onlyln hmCsighs iOetthe patient hai nrredeiiir orospelSoXehrhtvri i These IS often very bitie tc go cnin the way of idveitiyutfone Mea-uremcnẹ oCmCi- lxodcount ui xtdoiecedOuCeiiandbioodcld-cose can fuethermenrnomeni. A 12-leadECGcenCveinidthcatiogohprevioyicnrdixf ihioCtiiswell as presentcardiar fhnction edhthm. Plain chesl Xirce if lei Celle ntuftd mformetioxmthxie gatienti and can delahstirgery. Blood 10 xmls frfih-frozcn plamce FhP fill eegteiecs should ies requested. If time pyrimtCihnd a periptserstphnc is hlpcble eneoterielblocdges analysis mey gevp iy ig l e i mformation m to die I tri scvtofty nh t ttt patient s coneitioh jndtOfco1el sXl ltilhclptũllnm ftorirjcimnulo is placed to hhcóndietitxpse. Fluid res fltatcey in ứtoiitg otgnt dialsooonirnnernjLir There is esearevlhcnoe that ovetzee ont raumf iO HddilpreiinceprlOl tosurgety mog d aitioii nr tr bleeding dielddgmg dl .iiiX IuXotiO 101X1 51x11 m sCfect making mrltjd mottCt Vtun tdiiii theplobtrmoXprolo nyest tiisueÓ 1 exacerbatinh tditerees it h mýietxXi end Hi lit end xardiee 1x101111011 sTPere are similar lesmti mvnlvmg htlsexis .
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