This document and its Psycho-social Environment Profile are designed to help school personnel assess qualities of the school environment that support social and emotional well-being. It is intended to be a starting point, leading to awareness, discussion, and action by school personnel, students and parents. It will help them recognize and sustain those aspects of the school environment that support social and emotional well-being and improve those aspects that do not. It also will help school personnel consider ways to support positive changes in the school environment with school health policies, skillsbased health education and school health services -- core components of an effective school health programmeme as. | ASMART SUSTAINABLE FURNITURE FSC-CERTIFIED PRODUCTS Provided by Rainforest Alliance an accredited certifier of FSC Forest Stewardship Council forest sustainability standards Your Choice of Wood Products Furniture and Components for Manufacturing Really DOES Make a Difference The past few years have seen a growing interest in green home products. Driven in part by the success of the green building movement and the resulting emphasis on sustainable homes many design professionals and homeowners are trying to create living spaces that reflect their personal values as well as their tastes. This interest is propelling the market demand for FSC-certified furniture. FSC-certified wood is universally recognized at the highest standard for sustainable wood home furnishings products including indoor and outdoor furniture. The furniture industry in the United States has undergone radical changes in recent years with more production moving off-shore and a marked increase in imported furniture products and lumber. Buyers and manufacturers are faced with increasing choices regarding furniture and possible uncertainty regarding the actual sources of the products they purchase today. Manufacturers with international facilities need to promote their sourcing and management practices. FSC certification guarantees that your furniture product has been sustainably sourced and produced differentiates your company and promotes these values in the marketplace. As this trend is set to continue US-based furniture manufacturers and buyers both commercial purchasers and end consumers are faced with challenges in meeting these demands. Manufacturers and buyers may be unfamiliar with FSC-certified sources and even some experienced companies committed to sourcing FSC products have faced steep learning curves procuring wood products that suit their needs. This SmartGuide to Sustainable Furniture has been designed with two audiences in mind furniture manufacturers looking for sustainable