The unwritten record of history is preserved in buildings—in temples, fortresses, sanctuaries, and cities constructed of brick and stone. Early efforts to build permanent shelter were limited to the materials at hand. The trees of a primeval forest, the clay and mud of a river valley, the rocks, caves, and cliffs of a mountain range afforded only primitive opportunity for protec- tion, security, and defense and few examples survive. But the stone and brick of skeletal architectural remains date as far back as the temples of Ur built in 3000 ., the early walls of Jericho of 8000 ., and the vaulted tombs at Mycenae of the fourteenth. | Source MASONRY DESIGN AND DETAILING PART 1 INTRODUCTION Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any Use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. INTRODUCTION Downloaded from Digital Engineering Library @ McGraw-Hill Copyright 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. Any Use is subject to the Terms of Use as given at the website. Source MASONRY DESIGN AND DETAILING 1 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF MASONRY TECHNOLOGY The unwritten record of history is preserved in buildings in temples fortresses sanctuaries and cities constructed of brick and stone. Early efforts to build permanent shelter were limited to the materials at hand. The trees of a primeval forest the clay and mud of a river valley the rocks caves and cliffs of a mountain range afforded only primitive opportunity for protection security and defense and few examples survive. But the stone and brick of skeletal architectural remains date as far back as the temples of Ur built in 3000 . the early walls of Jericho of 8000 . and the vaulted tombs at Mycenae of the fourteenth century . It was the permanence and durability of the masonry which safeguarded this prehistoric record of achievements and preserved through centuries of war and natural disaster the traces of human development from cave dweller to city builder. Indeed the history of civilization is the history of its architecture and the history of architecture is the history of masonry. DEVELOPMENT Stone is the oldest most abundant and perhaps the most important raw building material of prehistoric and civilized peoples. Stone formed their defense in walls towers and embattlements. They lived in buildings of stone worshiped in stone temples and built roads and bridges of stone. Builders began to form and shape stone when tools had been invented that were hard enough to .
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