tailieunhanh - Securing and Optimizing Linux RedHat Edition phần 5

Các "làm sạch" lệnh xóa tất cả dấu vết trước đó của một bản hồ sơ để tránh sai lầm nào, các "thực hiện" lệnh biên dịch tất cả các file mã nguồn vào thực thi mã nhị phân, và cuối cùng, các "thực hiện cài đặt" lệnh cài đặt các mã nhị phân | Securities Software Network Services 1 CHAPTER 1 - Leave out ssh-agentl compatibility. - Install ssh-signer without suid bit. - Disable port forwarding support. - Disable X11 forwarding support. - Enable TCP_NODELAY socket option. - Compile in libwrap tcp_wrappers support. root@deep make clean root@deep make root@deep make install root@deep rm -f usr bin ssh-askpass The make clean command erase all previous traces of a compilation so as to avoid any mistakes the make command compiles all source files into executable binaries and finally the make install command installs the binaries and any supporting files into the appropriate locations. Cleanup after work root@deep cd var tmp root@deep tmp rm -rf ssh-version The rm command as used above will remove all the source files we have used to compile and install SSH2. It will also remove the SSH2 compressed archive from the var tmp directory. Configurations All software we describe in this book has a specific directory and subdirectory in a tar compressed archive named containing file configurations for specific programs. If you get this archive file you won t be obliged to reproduce the different configuration files below manually or cut and paste them to create your configuration files. Whether you decide to copy manually or get the files made for your convenience from the archive compressed files it will be to your responsibility to modify adjust for your needs and place the files related to SSH2 software in their appropriate places on your server as shown below. The server configuration files archive to download is located at the following Internet address http books To run the SSH2 Client Server the following files are required and must be created or copied to the appropriate directories on your server. Copy the sshd2_config file to the etc ssh2 directory. Copy the ssh2_config file to the etc ssh2 directory. Copy the