tailieunhanh - Government Incentivisation of Higher Education-Industry Research Partnerships in South Africa. An Audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund

This researchmonograph is part of a series that aims to explore the ways in which higher education and industry have formed research partnerships to promote innovation in biotechnology, ICT and new materials development in response to global trends and national policy imperatives. The series examines these partnerships in relation to knowledge production, enterprise productivity and innovation, and considers the extent to which network practices operate in South Africa. | WORKING PARTNERSHIPS HIGHER EDUCATION INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION Free download from GOVERNMENT INCENTIVISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION-INDUSTRY RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS IN SOUTH AFRICA An audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund RESEARCH MONOGRAPH RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Compiled by the Human Resources Development HRD Research Programme Human Sciences Research Council Executive Director Dr Andre Kraak Free download from Published by HSRC Publishers Private Bag X9182 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Human Sciences Research Council 2003 First published 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic mechanical or other means including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the publishers. ISBN 0-7969-2038-9 Cover by FUEL Design Production by comPress Distributed in South Africa by Blue Weaver Marketing and Distribution . Box 30370 Tokai Cape Town South Africa 7966. Tel Fax 021 701-7302 email blueweav@ CONTENTS Free download from INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY Chapter One Introduction 1 Chapter T wo Methodology 5 SECTION A INTRODUCTION TO GOVERNMENT-FUNDED PROJECTS Chapter Three Introduction and Background to THRIP and the Innovation Fund 16 SECTION B HIGHER EDUCATION-INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS Chapter Four Investigating Partnerships 26 SECTION C ABOUT GOVERNMENT-FUNDED PROJECTS Chapter Five Partnership Proj ects 38 Chapter Six Partnership Expenditure 42 Chapter Seven The Industry Partners 61 Chapter Eight The Higher Education Partners 76 Chapter Nine The Researchers 89 SECTION D THE CONTRIBUTION OF GOVERNMENT-INCENTIVISED PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS Chapter Ten Research Networks 100 Chapter Eleven The Outputs 111 Chapter Twelve Government-Funded Projects 119 .