tailieunhanh - khí quyển sao p3

Sớm hay muộn (đặc biệt trong chương kế tiếp) trong việc nghiên cứu bầu khí quyển sao, chúng tôi đã cần các chức năng không thể thiếu theo cấp số nhân. Chương này ngắn gọn có chứa gì về sao bầu khí quyển hoặc thậm chí thiên văn học, nhưng nó chỉ mô tả nhiều như chúng tôi cần phải biết về chức năng tách rời theo cấp số nhân. Nó không phải là dự định như là một trình bày toàn diện của tất cả mọi thứ có thể được viết về chức năng. . | 1 CHAPTER 3 THE EXPONENTIAL INTEGRAL FUNCTION Sooner or later in particular in the next chapter in the study of stellar atmospheres we have need of the exponential integral function. This brief chapter contains nothing about stellar atmospheres or even astronomy but it describes just as much as we need to know about the exponential integral function. It is not intended as a thorough exposition of everything that could be written about the function. The exponential integral function of order n written as a function of a variable a is defined as En a J x-ne-axdx. I shall restrict myself to cases where n is a non-negative integer and a is a non-negative real variable. For stellar atmosphere theory in the next chapter we shall have need of n up to and including 3. Let us start by seeing what the values of the functions are when a 0. We have En 0 f x-ndx 1 and this is infinite for n 0 and for n 1. For larger n it is 1 n - 1 . Thus o 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 0 Ỳ 4 0 3 etc. Thereafter the functions of whatever order decrease monotonically as a increases approaching zero asymptotically for large a. The function E0 a is easy to evaluate. It is E0 a fexdlx a The evaluation of the exponential integral function for n 0 is less easy but it can be done by numerical . Simpson integration. The upper limit of the integral in equation is infinite but this difficulty can be overcome by means of the substitutiony 1 x from which the equation becomes 1 En 0 f yn-2 e-a ydy. 0 2 Since both limits are finite this can now in principle integrated numerically in a straightforward way for example by Simpson s rule or similar algorithm except that at the lower limit a y is infinite and it is necessary first to determine the limit of the integrand as y 0 which is zero. There is however a way of evaluating the exponential integral function for n 2 without the necessity of numerical integration. Consider for example En 1 a J x- n 1 e - axdx. 1 If this is integrated very carefully .