tailieunhanh - RESTful Web Services

"Every developer working with the Web needs to read this book." -- David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of the Rails framework "RESTful Web Services finally provides a practical roadmap for constructing services that embrace the Web, instead of trying to route around it." -- Adam Trachtenberg, PHP author and EBay Web Services Evangelist | Web Services for the Real World Leonard Richardson Sam Ruby Foreword by David Heinemeier Hansson O REILLY Other resources from O Reilly Related titles Ajax on Rails Capistrano and the Rails Application Lifecycle Learning Java Learning Python Rails Cookbook Ruby Cookbook Ruby on Rails Up and Running Web Services on Rails Sgo REILLY ULI WORK. Conferences -O REILLY NETWORK M Bookshelf is more than a complete catalog of O Reilly books. You ll also find links to news events articles weblogs sample chapters and code examples. is the essential portnl for developers interested in cpen andyrnnrging technologies rndudmyeiwektforms programming languages and operating systems. L e. . n. o Reilly brings diverse innovators together to nurture the ideas thatnjanrkuavvlntionary in documenting the latest tools and systems translating the innovator s knowledge intoiiseliilskillsloe ihosc indie trencheu. Pleese visit vor our upcommgevenif. Safari Bookshelf is the premier online refer-knee hbraty fom jaso ommereaud IT psolcssioriUs. Conducs eeasnhesanrospm rrashanl 000bnoks. .dbssriberscan zerom rnanswern sotime-crisieelciuessioou ma matter of seconds. Read the books on your Bookshelf from cover to cover or simply tlipuoPonmagenon tinnTTeyk ư suvsoaft nti RESTful Web Services Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby o REILLY8 Beijing Cambridge Farnham Koln Paris Sebastopol Taipei .