tailieunhanh - Pro Web 2.0 Mashups Remixing Data and Web Services phần 7

Gọi Shell JavaScript cho bản đồ của bạn bằng cách nhấn JavaScript Shell bookmarklet trong bối cảnh của bản đồ của bạn. Nhập đoạn mã trong các bước sau đây, và xem những gì sẽ xảy ra. 3. Để có được mức độ phóng to, sử dụng: () 4 4. Để phóng to và thu nhỏ, sử dụng: (); (), | CHAPTER 13 REMIXING ONLINE MAPS AND 3D DIGITAL GLOBES 355 script head body onload GetMap div id myMap style position relative width 400px height 400px div body html 2. Invoke the JavaScript Shell for your map by hitting the JavaScript Shell bookmarklet in the context of your map. Type the code fragments in the following steps and see what happens. 3. To get the zoom level use this 4 4. To zoom in and out use this 5. To get the style of the map use this r 6. To set the map style a aerial r road h hybrid and o bird s-eye use this a 3D Aspects of Virtual Earth One cool distinguishing feature of the Virtual Earth is its 3D mode accessible via JavaScript. This 3D mode is akin to wrapping Google Earth functionality into Google Maps. The 3D mode is available if you are running Firefox or Internet Explorer version 6 or 7 on Windows and have the appropriate 3D add-ons installed. The requirements are documented here http en-us library Continuing the exercise you can put the map into 3D mode with the following command in the JavaScript Shell Remember to use the Virtual Earth Interactive SDK http virtualearth sdk to learn about the other capabilities in Virtual Earth including working with shapes and driving directions. 356 CHAPTER 13 REMIXING ONLINE MAPS AND 3D DIGITAL GLOBES Geocoding A common task in using online maps is to geocode addresses that is converting street addresses to the corresponding latitude and longitude. In the following sections I will walk through the basics of geocoding in Yahoo Google and Virtual Earth maps which is enough to get you started. For the following examples I use the address of Apress which is 2855 Telegraph Ave. Berkeley CA. Caution There are subtleties that I won t go in detail about the precision and accuracy of the APIs dealing with ambiguities in the addresses and which .