tailieunhanh - Marketing wisdom for 2006: 110 marketers and agencies share real-life tips

Once again I have been completely humbled while reviewing these reader-contributed stories. Every year, over the course of overseeing our 100+ new case studies and accompanying benchmark guides, t tend to build myself up in my own mind into some kind of marketing "expert". | Marketing Wisdom for 2006 110 Marketers Agencies Share Real-Life Tips by The Readers of MarketingSherpa Sponsored by OMNITURE Yes you may replicate this report in its entirety and or post it on an intranet or website. However please do not edit or cut pieces to pass along. Thank you. ISBN 978-1-932353-54-9 OMNITURE FINALLY the power of Web analytics in search marketing Search marketing with ONE solution across all your search engines including Yahoo Google MSN adCenter and 40 others Only with Omniture SearchCenter . All in ONE Omniture SearchCenter automates your search marketing success helping you decrease your cost per acquisition increase your search visibility and save time through full integration with our award-winning Omniture SiteCatalyst . Interested to see how this ONE unique solution can improve your success Download the Search Marketers SuccessKit providing essential guidelines and enablers that today s search marketers need to dramatically increase their search marketing results exclusive to MarketingSherpa readers . FOR THE SEARCH MARKETER S SUCCESSKIT GO TO go sherpa06 OMNITURE. SearchCenter. OMNITURE. SiteCatalyst 2006 Omniture Inc. Omniture the Omniture SiteCatalyst and SearchCenter logos are trademarks of Omniture. All other trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Sponsored by Omniture MarketingSherpa Inc. Table of Contents A Letter from MarketingSherpa s Part 1 General Marketing Part 2 Search Part 3 Email B-to-B Email Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 On the Part 7 Agencies Consultants on Growing Managing The MarketingSherpa More Research-Based Reports from Table of Contributors by first name with quote numbers Aaron Adam Adam Ajit Alin Amber Ankesh Anne Haack .