tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "The significance of different formulations of aerosolized colistin"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: The significance of different formulations of aerosolized colistin. | Available online http content 9 4 417 Letter The significance of different formulations of aerosolized colistin Argyris Michalopoulos1 Sofia K Kasiakou2 and Matthew E Falagas1 2 3 1 Henry Dunant Hospital Athens Greece 2Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences Athens Greece 3Department of Medicine Tufts University School of Medicine Boston Massachusetts USA Corresponding author Matthew E Falagas Published online 16 March 2005 This article is online at http content 9 4 417 2005 BioMed Central Ltd Critical Care 2005 9 417-418 DOI cc3506 See commentary issue page 29 http content 9 1 29 and research issue page 119 http content 9 1 R53 We thank Dr Mubareka and Dr Rubinstein for their thoughtful commentary 1 related to our recent publication on aerosolized colistin for the treatment of nosocomial pneumonia due to multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in patients without cystic fibrosis 2 . We would like to provide some additional clarifications related to the formulation of colistin used in our study because the commentators state that . it is not clear why the more toxic form of colistin was chosen over the better-tolerated colistin sulphamethate . There are two different forms of colistin available for clinical use. Colistin sulfate is administered orally for bowel decontamination and is administered topically as a powder for the treatment of bacterial skin infections and colistimethate sodium also called colistin methanesulfate pentasodium colistimethanesulfate colistin sulfamethate and colistin sulfonyl methate is administered intravenously and intra muscularly 3 . It is obvious that the terminology regarding the different formulations of colistin may be confusing. Colistimethate sodium is produced by a sulfomethylation reaction of colistin in which the primary amine groups of L-a-y-diaminobutyric acid are reacted with formaldehyde followed by sodium bisulfite 4 . Both .