tailieunhanh - Biocalorimetry

A rigorous understanding of any biological system that undergoes some change requires quantification of its thermodynamic and kinetic properties. Combined with structural detail, these data can be assimilated to enable a picture of the mechanism of the change (for example, going from the free to bound state in a biomolecular interaction, or from the folded to the unfolded state of a biomolecule). Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) provide the thermodynamic data required for developing this understanding. The microcalorimetric instrumentation currently available can provide a highly accurate measurement of the heat (or molar change in enthalpy, DH) associated with the change in the system. This direct determination. | Biocalorimetry 2 APPLICATIONS OF CALORIMETRY IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES EDITORS JOHN E. LADBURY AND MICHAEL L. DOYLE WILEY Biocalorimetry