tailieunhanh - Evolution’s Eye

The following people were of special help in writing this book. By offer- ing comments on the pieces when they were originally being written, ad- vice and other aid at varying points in the preparation of the book itself, or both, they demonstrated once again the value of critical and gener- ous colleagues. My deep thanks go to Pat Bateson, Ben Bradley, Linnda Caporael, Richard Francis, Eli Gerson, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Russell Gray, Paul Griffiths, Megan Gunnar, Jack Hailman, Mae-Wan Ho, Tim Johnston, Evelyn Fox Keller, William Kessen, Philip Kitcher, Richard Lewontin, Lenny Moss, Katherine Nelson, Jeff Ricker, Barbara Herrn- stein Smith, Elliott Sober, Don Symons, Peter Taylor, Rasmus Winther, and. | Evolution s Eye Susan Oyama Science and Cultural Theory A Series Edited by Barbara Herrnstein Smith and Roy E. Weintraub Evolution s Eye A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide Susan Oyama DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Durham and London .

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