tailieunhanh - UP THE SI-KIANG, WEST RIVER

On the morning of March 10th we took passage on the Nanning for Wuchow, in Kwangsi province, a journey of 220 miles up the West river, or Sikiang. The Nanning is one of two English steamers making regular trips between the two places, and it was the sister boat which in the summer of 1906 was attacked by pirates on one of her trips and all of the officers and first class passengers killed while at dinner. The cause of this attack, it is said, or the excuse for it, was threatened famine resulting from destructive floods which had. | UP THE SI-KIANG WEST RIVER On the morning of March 10th we took passage on the Nanning for Wuchow in Kwangsi province a journey of 220 miles up the West river or Sikiang. The Nanning is one of two English steamers making regular trips between the two places and it was the sister boat which in the summer of 1906 was attacked by pirates on one of her trips and all of the officers and first class passengers killed while at dinner. The cause of this attack it is said or the excuse for it was threatened famine resulting from destructive floods which had ruined the rice and mulberry crops of the great delta region and had prevented the carrying of manure and bean cake as fertilizers to the tea fields in the hill lands beyond thus bringing ruin to three of the great staple crops of the region. To avoid the recurrence of such tragedies the first class quarters on the Nanning had been separated from the rest of the ship by heavy iron gratings thrown across the decks and over the hatchways. Armed guards stood at the locked gateways and swords were hanging from posts under the awnings of the first cabin quarters much as saw and ax in our passenger coaches. Both British and Chinese gunboats were patrolling the river all Chinese passengers were searched for concealed weapons as they came aboard even though Government soldiers and all arms taken into custody until the end of the journey. Several of the large Chinese merchant junks which were passed carrying valuable cargoes on the river were armed with small cannon and when riding by rail from Canton to Sam Shui a government pirate detective was in our coach. The Sikiang is one of the great rivers of China and indeed of the world. Its width at Wuchow at low water was nearly a mile and our steamer anchored in twenty-four feet of water to a floating dock made fast by huge iron chains reaching three hundred feet up the slope to the city proper thus providing for a rise of twenty-six feet in the river at its flood stage during the .