Tháp đóng gói các thiết bị hấp thu khí sử dụng các phương tiện truyền thông nội bộ của một loạt các loại để tăng cường việc chuyển giao khối lượng của khí vào một chất lỏng hấp thụ. Xin vui lòng cũng thấy sợi / lưới lọc khí, chia sẻ nhiều thiết kế tương tự và đặc điểm sử dụng của tháp đóng gói. Điển hình ứng dụng và sử dụng Đối với cả hai kiểm soát ô nhiễm không khí và thu hồi khí quá trình, tháp đóng gói là một trong các thiết bị chuyển khối lượng trong sử. | chapter 12 Packed towers Device type Packed towers are gas absorption devices that utilize internal media of a variety of types to enhance the mass transfer of gases into an absorbing liquid. Please also see filament mesh scrubbers which share many of the same design and use characteristics of the packed tower. Typical applications and uses For both air pollution control and recovery of process gases packed towers are one of the most common mass transfer devices in current use. They are used for control of soluble gases such as halide acids such as HF and HCl and to remove soluble organic compounds such as alcohols and aldehydes. When the scrubbing solution is charged with an oxidant such as sodium hypochlorite they are used to control sulfide odors from wastewater treatment facilities and rendering plants. They are used to absorb and concentrate acids for recovery. When gases and aerosols are both present the packed tower is frequently used ahead of aerosol collectors such as fiberbeds and wet electrostatic precipitators WESPs . Packed towers are also used as gas coolers and condensers. They sometimes are used after a hot gas quencher to act as a gas cooler. Some are fitted with ceramic packing that can resist temperature extremes. When fitted ahead of a Venturi scrubber to function as a water vapor condenser absorber the packed tower becomes a critical part of a flux force condensation system for particulate control. The tower in this case acts as both an acid gas absorber and a direct contact vapor condenser. They are also used after Venturi scrubbers on medical waste incinerators to control acid gases such as HCl. To control the combined vent gases from semiconductor manufacturing large packed towers are used. Called house scrubbers they clean the small concentrations of acid gases usually using pH control and neutralization with caustic. In contrast the same industry uses small packed towers at specific 2002 by CRC Press LLC tools in a point of use .