Thông thường, thuật ngữ hóa lỏng đã được áp dụng vào hỗn hợp hai giai đoạn của khí và chất rắn. Nồi hơi tầng sôi sử dụng, ví dụ, một hỗn hợp kích động của nhiên liệu (than), khí đốt, và đôi khi vôi hoặc đá vôi để tăng cường đốt cháy trong khi giảm lượng khí thải. Khí được bơm vào một chiếc giường di động của các chất rắn. Một hỗn hợp hai pha lỏng và khí đều có thể được gọi là hóa lỏng. Kỹ thuật này tiêm nhiễm khí vào một khu vực điện thoại di. | chapter 10 Fluidized bed scrubbers Device type Usually the term fluidized has been applied to the two-phase mixture of gas and solids. Fluidized bed boilers use for example an agitated mixture of fuel coal combustion gases and sometimes lime or limestone to enhance combustion while reducing emissions. The gas is injected into a mobile bed of solids. A two-phase mixture of liquid and gas can equally be called fluidized. This technique injects the gas into a mobile agitated zone of liquid. Because the speed of dissolution of gases into liquid is typically enhanced by stirring the agitation in these designs is intended to increase the speed of mass transfer. The vessel velocities are therefore typically higher than other types of absorbers. Fluidized bed scrubbers can be divided into three major categories 1. Mobile media type units 2. Ebulating bed type designs 3. Swirling coriolis induced or co-mixing type Typical applications and uses Fluidized bed type scrubbers are used primarily as gas absorbers where particulate is also present that could plug other absorber designs such as packed towers . The particulate may arrive in the gas or liquid stream or be a product of the reaction of the absorbed gas and the liquid. They are noted for their compact size low-to-moderate cost and the ability to absorb gases while resisting plugging. Common applications include 1. Pulp mill bleach plant chlorine and chlorine dioxide control 2. SO2 control using sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate 3. SO2 control using a slurry lime limestone MgO etc. 4. Odor control mercaptans H2S etc. 2002 by CRC Press LLC 5. Gas cooling and condensing 6. Prescrubbing ahead of other devices such as wet electrostatic precipitators 7. Fluorine abatement scrubbing with pond water in the fertilizer industry 8. Stripping volatiles from dirty water 9. Acid gas control 10. Ammonia absorption 11. Bio-slurry scrubbing 12. Humidifying biofilters 13. Where space is a premium Operating principles The fluidized bed