Đất ngập nước cây trồng cộng đồng Môi trường sống của thực vật đất ngập nước I. Thực vật đất ngập nước phát triển trong nhiều loại khí hậu, từ vùng nhiệt đới đến vùng cực - bất cứ nơi nào mực nước ngầm cao, hoặc nước đọng là đủ nông, để hỗ trợ họ. Mỗi loài thích nghi với một loạt các độ sâu và nhiều người không tồn tại bên ngoài phạm vi đó trong thời gian dài. Ví dụ, Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla) phát triển mạnh khi có đủ ngập nước; Typha angustifolia (cattail lá hẹp) có thể phát triển. | 2 Wetland Plant Communities I. Wetland Plant Habitats Wetland plants grow in a variety of climates from the tropics to polar regions wherever the water table is high enough or the standing water is shallow enough to support them. Each species is adapted to a range of water depths and many do not survive outside of that range for extended periods. For example Hydrilla verticillata hydrilla thrives when fully submerged Typha angustifolia narrow-leaved cattail can grow in water over 1 m in depth but its leaves are emergent and others like Larix laricina the tamarack tree of northern peatlands are fully emergent and normally do not grow where water covers the soil surface. All rooted wetland plants are adapted to at least periodically saturated substrates where soil oxygen levels are low to non-existent. The terms for different types of wetlands help to pinpoint the differences between wetland communities and can be defined at least in part by the type of vegetation that grows there. For example swamp denotes a wet area where trees or shrubs dominate the canopy such as a cypress swamp while a marsh is dominated by herbaceous species such as a cattail marsh. Names given to some wetland types denote either the source or the chemistry of the water such as riparian wetland or salt marsh. Wetlands are recognized as vital ecosystems that support a wide array of unique plants especially adapted to wet conditions. Wetland plants in turn support high densities of fish invertebrates amphibians reptiles mammals and birds. Wetland conditions such as shallow water high plant productivity and anaerobic substrates provide a suitable environment for important physical biological and chemical processes. Because of these processes wetlands play a vital role in global nutrient and element cycles. Wetlands also provide key hydrologic benefits flood attenuation shoreline stabilization erosion control groundwater recharge and discharge and water purification Mitsch and Gosselink 2000 . In .