tailieunhanh - Muller A History of Thermodynamics The Doctrine of Energy and Entropy phần 4

Tham khảo tài liệu 'muller a history of thermodynamics the doctrine of energy and entropy phần 4', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 92 4 Entropie as s k In w peculiar scruples. So also for Maxwell a deeply religious man with the somewhat bigoted ethics that often accompanies piety. In a letter he wrote . probability calculus of which we usually assume that it refers only to gambling dicing and betting and should therefore be wholly immoral is the only mathematics for practical people which we should be. The Boltzmann Factor. Equipartition True to that recommendulionMaxweit qmpioyed piwbiqnqislHi nuq unieoli when he returned to lym kinetic llioor. in 1867. .ndccd. poobabdislic reasoning led him tn an ahernative derivation of the eiyi ibniuei distribution - different from the derivation indicated in Insert above. The new argument concerns elastic collisions of two atoms with energies yC2 yc which after the collision have the energies . o t il i . . i u Boltzmann was rt F satisfied Hen eckoowledges Maxweil s arguments Ikd calls them difficull to Okdeisiand becrusc ofkxcessies breniiy. ThoreOare he repeats them in en own way ond axtendr rtnm. the os conidnr his reasoning Boltzmanwcyncmtrater an enesgyinganenal-nkthnotynnrnly translational kinetic energy - by considering G E dE the fraction of atoms between E and E dE. The transitioapeobabititaP thnttwo atomSkWith E and E - collide and afterwards move off with E E is obviously29 30 31 proportional to G p G wehooe ._. . w y _ t Ei c n yw Gi jE i The probabilityfostheinveigh tlaa itinnis - -r ed os eGfE iGlE iy In equilibrium both transition probabilities must be equal so that InG P is a summational collision invariant. Indeed in equilibrium we have XW Gtrn 1 bobie Siio i-tiG. 29 L. Boltzmann Studien tiber das Gleichgewicht der lebendigen Kraft zwischen bewegten materiellen Punkten. Siudiei oe tye oqnilibrnim rh laiulic mb-rgyln tyeeii moving material points Wiinoi f ern nte 5X l X6X 17-760. 30 Actually what is obvious to one person is not always obvious to others. And so there is a never-ending but fruitless .