Có một cơ sở sinh thái mạnh mẽ cho việc sử dụng thực vật để xác định và mô tả đặc điểm các vùng đất ngập nước và phân định ranh giới của họ. Các mối quan hệ giữa độ bão hòa đất, liên tục hoặc tái phát, và phát triển của các cộng đồng thực vật đất ngập nước cũng là tài liệu và có một lịch sử lâu dài của việc sử dụng thảm thực vật hydrophytic để xác định các vùng đất ngập nước (Hall và Penfound 1939; Sculthorpe 1967; US Army Corps of Engineers năm 1987;. | 10 Wetland Plants as Biological Indicators I. Introduction There is a strong ecological basis for using vegetation to identify and characterize wetlands and delineate their boundaries. The relationship between soil saturation either continuous or recurrent and the development of wetland plant communities is well documented and there is a long history of using hydrophytic vegetation to identify wetlands Hall and Penfound 1939 Sculthorpe 1967 . Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Tiner 1991 . National Research Council 1995 . As has been well established flooding and soil saturation foster conditions that the majority of plants cannot tolerate. Reed 1997 estimates that nearly 70 of all plant species found in the . or its territories do not occur in wetlands. This fact has led to the use of wetland plants as indicators of the presence of wetlands and where these communities give way to upland species the wetland s boundary. The composition of a wetland s plant community has also been shown to serve as a practical indicator of ecological stress. Changes in vegetation represent a community level response that integrates the effects of a wide range of ecological stressors. Predictable changes in community composition species abundance productivity and other ecosystem properties have been observed as environmental conditions shift Lopez and Fennessy in press Carlisle et al. 1999 . This idea has a long history in plant ecological studies. Clements 1935 is notable as one of the first to observe that taking specific measurements of environmental conditions such as water or soil chemistry or hydrology may yield far less information than using the performance of the organisms themselves in Keddy et al. 1993 . Vegetation can integrate the temporal spatial chemical physical and biological dynamics of the system. The focus of this chapter is on the use of wetland plants as indicators of ecological conditions including the existence of wetlands and as a tool for the assessment of