Site khắc phục hậu quả, tập quán và quy định MỤC TIÊU Hoàn thành chương này, học sinh nên: • Hãy làm quen với các công nghệ có thể được sử dụng trong trang web khắc phục hậu quả, ví dụ như, ngăn chặn tại chỗ, kiên cố hoá / ổn định, hóa chất điều trị, xử lý sinh học và tiêu hủy; "bơm và điều trị" chế độ ; tự nhiên suy giảm, khai thác, điều trị và xử lý off-site và RCRA1 và CERCLA2 yêu cầu, chính sách liên quan. • Hiểu được vai trò của RCRA và CERCLA khắc. | 11 Site Remedial Technologies Practices and Regulations OBJECTIVES At completion of this chapter the student should Be familiar with the technologies that may be employed in site remediation . on-site containment solidification stabilization chemical treatment bioremediation and destruction pump-and-treat regimes natural attenuation extraction off-site treatment and disposal and related RCRA1 2 and CERCLA2 requirements and policies. Understand the respective roles of RCRA and CERCLA in site remediation. Be familiar with How Clean is Clean issues the basis for them some resolutions thereof and the roles assigned to risk assessment in the remediation processes. Be familiar with the National Contingency Plan the blueprint role of the NCP in site remediation how to find the NCP and how to maintain or ensure currency with it. Understand the linkages between hazardous waste site remediation the Brownfields Initiative and environmental justice issues. INTRODUCTION In Chapter 10 we introduced and briefly overviewed the technologies and processes involved in the evaluation of contaminated or suspect sites. The generic RCRA Corrective Action and CERCLA Superfund approaches to site evaluation were introduced as the necessary precursors to site cleanup. We now continue with the overview of site cleanup procedures. To the extent possible we will continue the pattern of introduction of technologies and processes in the generic or established 1 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. 2 Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 and Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 . 2001 by CRC Press LLC practice format. We will then overview the options and or requirements as applied to RCRA and Superfund site remediation. The technologies for site remediation have been developed over a relatively short period of time. Some of the technologies were introduced in the 1970s or earlier and some sites were remediated in the latter part .