tailieunhanh - Mac OS X Programming phần 1

Chức năng này có một con trỏ thông minh, hai dây, tên một biến, và giá trị, và gán giá trị cho biến sau khi tìm kiếm các biến trong bảng biểu tượng chỉ bằng con trỏ thông minh. Hai chức năng này được sử dụng để đi qua một bảng ký hiệu, dừng lại ở mỗi biến thành viên. | M k os a lhn. AirAin mil I . Mac OS X Programming By Dan Parks Sydow Publisher New F Pub Date New Riders Publishing November 09 2001 ISBN 0-7357-1168-2 Pages 400 Copyright About the Author About the Technical Reviewers Acknowledgments Tell Us What You Think Introduction Target Audience Necessary Software Organization of This Book Conventions Used in This Book Chapter 1. System Components and Programming Technologies System Software Layers Application Environments and Programming Languages For More Information Chapter 2. Overview of Mac OS X Programming Development Environments Apple Project Builder and Interface Builder HelloWorld Walking Through a Simple Example Program Handling Program Errors Adding an Alert to the HelloWorldDebug Program Adding a Picture to the HelloWorld Program For More Information Chapter 3. Events and the Carbon Event Manager Events and Event Handlers Example Programs For More Information Chapter 4. Windows Opening and Closing Windows Updating Window Content Associating Information with Windows For More Information Chapter 5. Controls Command Signatures and Control IDs Buttons Radio Buttons Checkboxes Text Input Fields For More Information Chapter 6. Menus Menu Basics Altering Menus Characteristics Pop-Up Menus For More Information Chapter 7. QuickDraw Graphics QuickDraw Basics Defining and Drawing Shapes Patterns For More Information Chapter 8. Text and Localization Localized Resource Files Localizing Window Content Text For More Information Chapter 9. QuickTime Movies and File Handling Files and Navigation Services QuickTime Movies For More Information Chapter 10. Bundles and Icons Applications Bundles and Packages Registering a Creator Code Application Icons For More Information Chapter 11. Porting Mac OS 8 9 Code to Mac OS X Carbon Dater Getting Ready for Carbon Tips for Handling Major Porting Issues For More Information Appendix A. Carbon API Summary Include Files Common Data Types and Functions Core Foundation Interface Builder Manager