Hữu cơ dễ bay hơi các hợp chất Năm 1995, Viện Quốc gia về An toàn và Sức khỏe nghề nghiệp (NIOSH) báo cáo rằng 17% của tất cả các cuộc khảo sát chất lượng không khí trong nhà của họ đã xác định được chất hữu cơ dễ bay hơi như là nguyên nhân gây ra hoặc góp phần đến việc khiếu nại chất lượng không khí trong nhà. Nhiều cơ quan không gian có các thành phần hữu cơ còn sót lại trong không khí xây dựng, cải tạo, bảo trì, sử dụng janitorial hóa chất, / chế biến. | Section III CHEMICALS 2002 CRC Press LLC Chapter 8 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS In 1995 the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH reported that 17 percent of all their indoor air quality surveys have identified volatile organics as either the cause or contributor to the indoor air quality complaints. Many offices spaces have residual organic components in the air from construction renovation maintenance janitorial chemical usage processing . spray painting associated with marketing projects and pest control activities. There is also off-gassing from new furnishings building materials and office supplies equipment. Some of the organics may originate from the growth of microbes. Tobacco smoke deodorants and perfumes contribute to the total organic loading. Some indoor chemical contaminants originate outdoors. Outdoor contaminants enter the indoor air predominantly through the fresh air intake but may also enter through structural penetrations or porous structural surfaces. There may be an activity or activities involving chemicals within the building whereby the chemicals are exhausted on the roof entrained in the air currents and re-enter the building through the fresh air intake. This is not as frequently encountered as chemicals emitted from other sources in the vicinity of the building. Automobile exhausts and industrial pollutants prevail in large cities and around industrial plants. Even food manufacturing operations have been known to generate organic chemicals. Environmental organic compounds also evolve from nature s store of plant life. Industrial activities generate organic air pollutants both inside and outside. Although most of these chemicals are known some are by-products of multiplechemical processing and chemical treatments. Stack exhausts may service several areas with different chemical contributions and complex chemical reactions in the stacks result in complex chemical mixtures in ambient air. Incidents of chemical storage