HỆ THỐNG XỬ LÝ THỂ / HÓA Nhiều phương pháp điều trị hóa chất được liệt kê trong phần 2 có thể có ứng dụng hạn chế đối với chất thải hữu cơ. Phương pháp vật lý, chẳng hạn như tước hoặc sorption, không hiệu quả như phương pháp sinh học để điều trị các hợp chất hữu cơ độc hại (Knox, Canter, Kincannon, Stover, và Ward, 1986). Khai thác tước không khí và hơi nước được giới hạn cho các hợp chất dễ bay hơi trong đất xốp và đồng nhất,, và kênh là một vấn đề. Đây cũng. | Section 8 Treatment Trains LIMITATIONS OF SOIL TREATMENT SYSTEMS PHYSICAL CHEMICAL TREATMENT SYSTEMS Many of the chemical treatments listed in Section 2 may have limited application for organic wastes. Physical methods such as stripping or sorption are not as effective as biological methods for treating hazardous organic compounds Knox Canter Kincannon Stover and Ward 1986 . Air stripping and vapor extraction are limited to volatile compounds in porous homogeneous soil and channeling is a problem. These are also difficult to monitor. Chemical methods may have to be used to remove heavy metals. The physical and chemical treatment systems are most useful in combination with biological methods as dictated by the site and specific waste requirements many serving as a pretreatment prior to biodegradation. Incineration is an effective treatment process for destroying organic contaminants in soil however it is considerably more expensive than biodegradation. Soil flushing is not feasible with complex wastes and when the subsurface is not homogeneous channeling through the soil prevents even distribution of the eluant. In addition the use of treatment agents on the soil can change the pH or other soil properties. LANDTREATMENT As with landfilling this technology depends upon the availability of land. It is subject to weather conditions which may interfere with application schedules. The heavy components of petroleum oils are not easily degradable and may accumulate in the soil. Volatilization of the lighter compounds can result in uncontrolled hazardous emissions. Waste constituents that are sufficiently volatile mobile or might bioaccumulate may be difficult to treat by this method. IN SITU BIODEGRADATION In situ bioreclamation is a versatile tool for treating contaminated groundwater and soil however it is not the answer to all contamination problems Brown Loper and McGarvey 1986 . Its applicability must be determined for each site and depends upon