tailieunhanh - Selecting Wood Furniture

Wood is one of the most popular materials used to make chairs and benches because of its rich appearance, durability, and ease of construction. Wood furniture can be divided into solid and veneer (see Figure , Wood Construction). Most chairs are made of solid wood. You may, however, find chair backs and aprons made out of veneer plywood. Plywood is used for strength and to eliminate warpage, splitting, expansion, and contraction. All woods can be divided into deciduous and coniferous. There is some relationship between the hardness of the wood and the type of tree the wood comes from. In most cases deciduous trees consist of harder wood than coniferous. | EXTENSION Smart Shopping for Home Furnishings 1987 Selecting Wood Furniture Dr. Leona Hawks Home Furnishings Housing Specialist HI 12 Shopping for wood furniture Selecting high-quality wood chairs and benches can be baffling. There are many different styles materials and construction techniques from which you can select. To make a good selection obtain as much information as possible. These questions should help you make a good decision. WHAT S ON THE MARKET WHAT S QUALITY CONSTRUCTION WHAT S A QUALITY FINISH WHAT S ON THE LABEL WHAT S ON THE WARRANTY WHAT S ON THE MARKET Figure . Wood Construction Wood is one of the most popular materials used to make chairs and benches because of its rich appearance durability and ease of construction. Wood furniture can be divided into solid and veneer see Figure Wood Construction . Most chairs are made of solid wood. You may however find chair backs and aprons made out of veneer plywood. Plywood is used for strength and to eliminate warpage splitting expansion and contraction. All woods can be divided into deciduous and coniferous. There is some relationship between the hardness of the wood and the type of tree the wood comes from. In most cases deciduous trees consist of harder wood than coniferous trees but not always. Deciduous simply refers to all leaf bearing trees such as teak walnut oak maple mahogany cherry and birch. Coniferous refers to cone-bearing trees such as pine fir redwood and cedar. Most high-quality wooden furniture is made of deciduous trees. Generally wood from coniferous trees are used for the less expensive furniture. However some high-quality furniture is now being made out of coniferous trees such as pine. While furniture made out of pine may be high quality it is still more subject to scratches and dents than harder woods. The most common hardwoods used to construct chairs are ash beech birch cherry mahogany maple oak pecan poplar teak and walnut. The most common softwoods .