World Development Indicators 2011, the 15th edition in its current format, aims to provide relevant, high-quality, internationally comparable statistics about development and the quality of people’s lives around the globe. This latest printed volume is one of a group of products; others include an online dataset, accessible at . org; the popular Little Data Book series; and DataFinder, a data query and charting application for mobile devices. Fifteen years ago, World Development Indicators was overhauled and redesigned, organizing the data to present an integrated view of development, with the goal of putting these data in the hands of policymakers, development specialists, students, and the public in. | WORLD__ DfviiPMENT INDICATORS THE WORLD BANK The world by income Low income Honduras Grenada Hong Kong SAR China Afghanistan India Iran Islamic Rep. Hungary Bangladesh Indonesia Jamaica Iceland Benin Iraq Kazakhstan Ireland Burkina Faso Jordan Lebanon Isle of Man Burundi Kiribati Libya Israel Cambodia Kosovo Lithuania Italy Central African Republic Lesotho Macedonia FYR Japan Chad Maldives Malaysia Korea Rep. Comoros Marshall Islands Mauritius Kuwait Congo Dem. Rep. Micronesia Fed. Sts. Mayotte Latvia Eritrea Moldova Mexico Liechtenstein Ethiopia Mongolia Montenegro Luxembourg Gambia The Morocco Namibia Macao SAR China Ghana Nicaragua Palau Malta Guinea Nigeria Panama Monaco Guinea-Bissau Pakistan Peru Netherlands Haiti Papua New Guinea Romania Netherlands Antilles Kenya Paraguay Russian Federation New Caledonia Korea Dem. Rep. Philippines Serbia New Zealand Kyrgyz Republic Samoa Seychelles Northern Mariana Islands Lao PDR São Tomé and Principe South Africa Norway Liberia Senegal St. Kitts and Nevis Oman Madagascar Sri Lanka St. Lucia Poland Malawi Sudan St. Vincent and the Portugal Mali Swaziland Grenadines Puerto Rico Mauritania Syrian Arab Republic Suriname Qatar Mozambique Thailand Turkey San Marino Myanmar Timor-Leste Uruguay Saudi Arabia Nepal Tonga Venezuela RB Singapore Niger Tunisia Slovak Republic Rwanda Turkmenistan High income Slovenia Sierra Leone Tuvalu Andorra Spain Solomon Islands Ukraine Aruba Sweden Somalia Uzbekistan Australia Switzerland Tajikistan Vanuatu Austria Trinidad and Tobago Tanzania Vietnam Bahamas The Turks and Caicos Islands Togo West Bank and Gaza Bahrain United Arab Emirates Uganda Yemen Rep. Barbados United Kingdom Zambia Belgium United States Zimbabwe Upper middle income Bermuda Virgin Islands . Albania Brunei Darussalam Lower middle income Algeria Canada Angola American Samoa Cayman Islands Armenia Antigua and Barbuda Channel Islands Belize Argentina Croatia Bhutan Azerbaijan Cyprus Bolivia Belarus Czech Republic Cameroon