tailieunhanh - From Forest To Furniture

As school administrators, facility planners, architects and designers make decisions about furniture for an expansion, renovation or new construction, one word summarizes a guiding principle in helping ensure that the project supports academic achievement for every student: Flexibility. Budget challenges, varying class sizes, teacher shortages, student performance assessments, and technology-driven instruction methods represent several of the many issues facing educational facility managers. The right type of furniture can have a positive impact on each of these issues. Designing classrooms with more functional flexibility means that a teacher can easily vary instructional methods to accommodate different learning styles and course topics simply by. | rm The finished certified wood product industry is growing. More forests are becoming certified every year and as a result more certified wood is becoming available as a source for finished products. This growth however brings with it a dilemma more wood has not necessarily meant more products sold. As more producers of certified wood products emerge they are greeted by a public slow to appreciate or simply understand exactly how certified wood is more beneficial to their environment. Cost public awareness and wood supply are all factors manufacturers must contend with in order to successfully market their finished products. More Environmental Trees As a designer I am not using finished certified wood because of the market value I am doing it because I have a great appreciation for the natural environment and to design products that are sustainable for future generations rather than thinking only of myself and today says Bill Callahan Owner of Tamalpais TimberWorks and Master Designer. Finished certified wood simply put is a more environmental wood product that comes from forests established as well-managed by a certification body. Manufacturers can use the certified wood to produce finished products that environmentally conscientious consumers can feel good about purchasing. A forest can become certified urntefc KjSjThe use Of flashed products made of certified wood is growing in the marketplace but has the public and the industry noticed - By Glen Wilkinson Photo courtesy of Charles Shackleton Furniture. by demonstrating acceptable forest management to a certification entity such as the Forest Stewardship Council FSC . FSC defines forest stewardship in a set of global Principles and Criteria which apply to all forests worldwide. FSC-endorsed forests are managed in an ecologically sound socially responsible and economically viable manner and reflect a balance between the latest science best known forest management practices and current public values. The FSCs .