Công nghệ xử lý Hiện tại Đất công nghệ xử lý thường được phát triển và đánh giá để phù hợp với yêu cầu quy định, có thể yêu cầu hoặc đề nghị rằng dầu khí còn lại tổng số hydrocarbon (TPH) nồng độ trong đất được giảm dưới 1000 mg / kg, trong một số khu vực, dưới 100 mg / kg TPH. Có nhiều công nghệ có sẵn để điều trị các trang web bị ô nhiễm với các hydrocarbon dầu khí, tuy nhiên, việc điều trị được lựa chọn phụ thuộc vào chất gây ô nhiễm và đặc. | Section 2 Current Treatment Technologies Soil treatment technologies are often developed and evaluated in order to conform with regulatory demands which may require or suggest that residual total petroleum hydrocarbon TPH concentrations in soil be reduced below 1000 mg kg or in some areas below 100 mg kg TPH. There are many technologies available for treating sites contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons however the treatment selected depends upon contaminant and site characteristics regulatory requirements costs and time constraints Ram Bass Falotico and Leahy 1993 . These authors propose a decision framework that is structured and tiered for selecting remediation technologies appropriate for a given contamination incident. Commonly used technologies can be integrated to enhance performance. Variation in design and implementation of the technologies with concurrent or sequential configurations can help to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment. The American Petroleum Institute API developed a petroleum decision framework to facilitate decision making for investigation and cleanup of petroleum contamination of soils and groundwater API 1990 . Kelly Pennock Bohn and White 1992 of the . Department of Energy Pacific Northwest Laboratories also produced a Remedial Action Assessment System RAAS for information on remedial action technologies. The EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory RREL provides a treatability database which is accessible through the Office of Research and Development network retrieval system the Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center ATTIC the EPA database for technical information on innovative treatment technologies for hazardous waste and other contaminants Haztech News 1992 Devine 1994 . An expert system for remediation cost information Cost of Remediation Model CORA has been designed by EPA. EPA has also compiled descriptions of technologies for processes that treat contaminated soils and sludges . EPA 1988 . .
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