tailieunhanh - Voices of Bereavement: A Casebook for Grief Counselors

If we live, we die. It is that simple and that complex. If we love someone or even like him or her a lot, it hurts when he or she dies, and we feel a sense of loss. Sometimes the hurt is manageable and we are able to regroup, rebound, and move on with our lives, holding on to memories or feelings about the dead person. Sometimes we are not able to move forward, getting immersed in the sadness and pain of our loss. Fortunately, there are people who are trained to help those who get stuck on their journey from loss | Voices 7Ổ ereavement Joan Beder Voices of Bereavement The Series in Death Dying and Bereavement Consulting Editor Robert A. Neimeyer Beder Voices of Bereavement A Casebook for Grief Counselors Davies Shadows in the Sun The Experiences of Sibling Bereavement in Childhood Harvey Perspectives on Loss A Sourcebook Klass The Spiritual Lives of Bereaved Parents Leenaars Lives and Deaths Selections From the Works of Edwin S. Shneidman Lester Katie s Diary Unlocking the Mystery of a Suicide Martin Doka Men Don t Cry . Women Do Transcending Gender Stereotypes of Grief Nord Multiple AIDS-Related Loss A Handbook for Understanding and Surviving a Perpetual Fall Roos Chronic Sorrow A Living Loss Rosenblatt Parent Grief Narratives of Loss and Relationship Tedeschi Calhoun Helping Bereaved Parents A Clinician s Guide Werth Contemporary Perspectives on Rational Suicide FORMERLY THE SeRiES in death education aging and health care HANNELORE WASS CONSULTING EDITOR Bard Medical Ethics in Practice Benoliel Death Education for the Health Professional Bertman Facing Death Images Insights and Interventions Brammer How to Cope With Life Transitions The Challenge of Personal Change Cleiren Bereavement and Adaptation A Comparative Study of the Aftermath of Death Corless Pittman-Lindeman AIDS Principles Practices and Politics Abridged Edition Corless Pittman-Lindeman AIDS Principles Practices and Politics Reference Edition Curran Adolescent Suicidal Behavior Davidson The Hospice Development and Administration. Second Edition Davidson Linnolla Risk Factors in Youth Suicide Degner Beaton Life-Death Decisions in Health Care Doka AIDS Fear and Society Challenging the Dreaded Disease Doty Communication and Assertion Skills for Older Persons Epting Neimeyer Personal Meanings of Death Applications for Personal Construct Theory to Clinical Practice Haber Health Care for an Aging Society Cost-Conscious Community Care and Self-Care Approaches Hughes Bereavement and Support Healing in a Group .