Chương này cung cấp một chi tiết, ví dụ thế giới thực bằng cách sử dụng các nguyên tắc và thực hành được nêu trong cuốn sách này để đánh giá tính chính xác của bản đồ được sản xuất từ việc giải thích hình ảnh và sự phân loại các hình ảnh vệ tinh kỹ thuật số. Nghiên cứu trường hợp cụ thể này đã được lựa chọn vì hai lý do: 1. Việc đánh giá bao gồm phân tích tính chính xác của bản đồ được tạo ra từ việc giải thích hình ảnh và phân loại ảnh vệ. | CHAPTER 8 The California Hardwood Rangeland Monitoring Project INTRODUCTION This chapter provides a detailed real-world example of using the principles and practices outlined in this book to assess the accuracy of maps produced from both photo interpretation and the classification of digital satellite imagery. This specific case study was chosen for two reasons 1. The assessment included analysis of the accuracy of maps created from both photo interpretation and satellite image classification allowing for comparison of both mapping and accuracy assessment methods. 2. Numerous trade-offs between statistical rigor and practical implementation were required throughout the project. As you will see this case study is far from being the perfect example of accuracy assessment design implementation and analysis. The project was one of the first production accuracy assessments performed and as such offered ample opportunities for learning. Yet it is illustrative of problems typically encountered in accuracy assessment. The case study presents a real-world example with real world trade-offs and considerations. The implications of each decision are analyzed and discussed. The purpose of the case study is to make the reader fully aware of both the obvious and the subtle yet critical considerations in designing and implementing an accuracy assessment. BACKGROUND Low use and low value have traditionally characterized California s hardwood rangeland resource. However over the last 40 years increasing populations have forced development into hardwood rangelands focusing new demands on hardwood 1999 by CRC Press lands and resulting in changes in the extent and distribution of this resource. Hardwood stocking has declined as has the number of acres of hardwoods with the conversion to industrial residential and intensive agricultural uses. To assess and analyze the nature and implications of these changes the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CDF instituted .