tailieunhanh - The story of Swedbank

As a first step, simple but vital process changes that impact customers by bringing in more simplicity and convenience, with greater efficiency and efficacy for transactions, can be undertaken. These will serve as a precursor to the positive changes to come and help customers view the bank’ s transformation journey in a positive light. With customers using multiple channels to interact with their banks, it is critical that they are minimally disturbed and are impacted by no loss of existed functionality. In the event that the bank augments the back-end driving the channels, it is important to ensure that the user. | Swedbank ew companies have as long a history as Swedbank. For almost 200 years we ve helped our customers to save and borrow for a better future. The world has changed during that time and we ve changed with it. But the need for a responsible bank is at least as great as it was at the beginning of the 1800s. This book tells the story of Sweden s economic history. Because after all it s our history too. Once upon a time. o 1800s o i nJ Ip _ Ộ n 1818 the seed of Swedbank was sown. Johan Westin vice chairman of the Estate of the Burghers one of the four Estates of the realm had the idea of establishing a national savings bank. The idea was simple yet brilliant helping people to save smaller sums of money securely and at a good interest rate. Parliament approved the idea and appointed a commission. Carl David Skogman was sent to Scotland to study their newly established savings banks. He summarised his findings in an 1819 publication entitled Intelligence on so-called savings banks . However a German merchant by the name of Eduard Ludendorff beat them to the punch. In 1820 Sweden s first savings bank Goteborgs Sparbank opened for business in Gothenburg. o CHAPTER 1