tailieunhanh - Chondral Disease of the Knee - part 5

Thứ hai xem nội soi khớp 12 tháng chứng minh đầy khiếm khuyết và cũng được tích hợp với mô giống như trong pha lê có phần mềm hơn so với các sụn liền kề xung quanh. | Case 16 53 Figure . Second-look arthroscopy at 12 months demonstrates the defect filled and well integrated with hyaline-like tissue that is somewhat softer than the surrounding adjacent cartilage. hyaline-like-appearing tissue with an unstable flap along the medial edge of the repair site Figure . Indentation testing was performed that demonstrated that the implant was slightly softer than the normal native sur rounding articular cartilage but still had a high degree of inherent stiffness Figure . The region of periosteal delamination was debrided and a 2-rnrn core biopsy was obtained for histologic evaluation Figure . The Native Articular Cartilage Stiffness vs ACI Implant at 1 Year Figure . A Indentation testing is performed with evidence of a small area of periosteal detachment on the medial aspect of the defect. B Bar graph demonstrates the relative differences of the native articular cartilage compared to the hyaline-like 2 500 Implant Native tissue. Tissue Type This is trial version B 54 Case 16 Figure . Safranin-O fast green staining technique demonstrates variable degrees of proteoglycan staining within the deeper zones of the graft and integration of the hyaline-like tissue with the underlying subchondral bone. Magnification 4x original. Courtesy of Dr. James M. Williams PhD Rush University. histologic evaluation demonstrated a well-integrated graft at the junction of the subchondral bone and variable amounts of proteoglycan production visibly decreasing from the subchondral bone junction toward the graft surface. Following this debridement the patient went on to do well with no complaints of residual mechanical symptoms minimal activity-related effusions and has returned to intramural sports. DECISION-MAKING FACTORS 1. Recurrent symptoms despite previous partial medial meniscectomy in a setting where the focal chondral defect was believed to ini tially represent an incidental finding requiring only simple