tailieunhanh - lifelines intermediate workbook phần 3

Tham khảo tài liệu 'lifelines intermediate workbook phần 3', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Your future 3 Writing Linking words 2 but however although 12 Study these rules. We can use but however and although to express contrast. But is used in a clause of the same sentence. Example John didn t like the film but I loved it. However is used in a new sentence. It can go at the beginning or end of the sentence or after the subject. It is separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma . Example The world s oil will run out. However scientists will produce oil front sunflowers. Although is used in a clause of the same sentence. It is usually at the beginning of the sentence. Example Although it was raining we went for a long walk. b Now write two paragraphs about what you think will happen in your future. in the world s future. Use but however and although. My future a Rewrite these sentences using however and although 1 People will be able to work at home but they may still choose to go to work. The future of the world 2 People care about the rain forest but it is still being destroyed. 3 The earth s climate is getting warmer but we don t fully understand why. 4 Many species are in danger but we are still destroying natural habitats. 21 ằsđhỂỔỈằắ elationships Relative clauses 1 Complete the sentences with who or which. 1 The woman .w p. lives next door is a dentist. 2 The hotel . caught fire has been rebuilt. 3 She has a people would hate. 4 Tony works for a company. makes fridges. 5 That s the dog . tried to bite me. 6 He s the kind of an argument. 7 The government was defeated in the elections . took place last week. 8 Did the assistant. . served you have blonde hair 9 You should choose the your personality. 10 I don t know the there. 2 Complete the descriptions of these things. Use relative clauses. 1 A nurse is .. . . . sick or injured people. - 2 A digital watch is . 3 Spaghetti. 4 A snake. 3 Complete these statements with relative clauses. 1 I like films .